Stratasys Adjusts Pricing on Parts, Labor, and Materials Amid Rising Costs

By on January 15th, 2025 in Corporate, news

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Stratasys announced a price increase for certain products and services.

A quiet email from Stratasys to customers earlier this month revealed that the company is raising prices for parts, labor service, and materials. Stratasys Americas President Brent Noonan writes:

“Despite our best efforts in managing rising costs in labor, logistics, and materials, we need to extend a marginal increase on the price of Spare Parts, Service Technician Time (labor and installation), and select Materials (primarily FDM and PolyJet) by an average of 3% in 2025.”

This is unsurprising, as the cost of basically everything has shot upwards since the pandemic. While triggered mostly by greedy sellers, the effect has cascaded to a point where most companies must raise their prices to balance out their financials. It seems that Stratasys is in the same boat.

But there’s a bit more here. Stratasys also reminded customers that they are not raising prices on service contracts, and that service contracts include mostly free spare parts and no additional hourly charges for labor.

Noonan added that there will be no price increases on Stratasys service contracts in 2025, strongly hinting that customers should partake in these plans.

Finally, Noonan said there will be no price increases on their 3D printers in 2025.

Nothing was said about 2026, however.

Via Stratasys

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!