One may wonder why such an alliance is required, because 3D printing technology now would appear to be much more widely known. But that’s not the case if you dig deeper into the situation found at some manufacturing companies.
Even in 2013, there are plenty of companies who simply don’t yet understand how to make the best use of 3D printing. Some old-timers even discount it as an inappropriate solution to their problems and can’t yet see how it could be used. Even if individuals within a company understand 3D printing, it can take many years to implement changes in a big corporation.
That’s what this alliance is addressing: the countless companies who have not yet taken steps into the 3D printing world. These are the companies who don’t yet realize the speed and creative advantages of prototyping offered by the technology. For many companies, Deloitte is a trusted voice that now can provide them direction in this technology, with the assistance of 3D Systems.
We suspect this move will definitely generate a lot of commercial sales for 3D Systems.
Via 3D Systems