Montreal’s Dyze Design has released a new version of their 3D printer extruder mechanism and it seems to include many interesting design features.
The DyzeXtruder is the component of an extrusion-based desktop 3D printer that pushes the filament towards the hot end. It’s the often the most critical mechanical element in a 3D printing system, because it delivers the material. Or doesn’t if it isn’t working properly.
The design of such extruders has evolved significantly over the years and current designs are packed with features invented to resolve common issues. The result is extruders with both ease of use and high reliability. Is this the case on the DyzeXtruder GT?
The Dyze Design site lists sixteen features, but the ones I found particularly interesting are:
Spring optimization: in too many extruders, the spring is either too weak or too strong. Dyze Design has “optimized” their spring to ensure it’s just at the right level of strength.
9Kg push force: The company’s use of several other features produces a hefty 9kg push force that has to be enough for all uses, barring a long Bowden tube with kinks in it.
Loading lever: An easy-to-use lever permits quick insertion and removal of filament.
Metal construction: I’ve had extruders break when they are made from plastic, as extruders sometimes encounter risky motion situations in some machines. Metal parts won’t break as easily.
Drive system: The active component on the device is a dual pinch system where two gears act on the filament, rather than the single gear found on many extruders. The gear profile has teeth that enable a “four point contact” on filament for extra reliability and full push force.
Flexible: The design also permits use of flexible filaments, although you’ll have to ensure the rest of your 3D printer is able to handle flexible filaments, too.
Easy-to-use: The installation requires only two screws and you’re also able to quickly swap hotends.
Light weight: Although the stepper motor is small, they’ve used a gear design that accomplishes the job. This means the entire extruder is quite light weight and thus a bit more nimble when moved about.
The DyzeXtruder looks like an interesting option for those mixing and matching components on their desktop 3D printer. It’s currently available at a price of USD$135.
Via Dyze Design