Shining 3D has introduced a new, low-cost desktop 3D printer, the Einstart-C.
This device is another 3D printer targeted at entry-level consumers and the education market. It seems that Shining 3D has integrated a few interesting features into the package to make it more attractive to those markets.
One is automated leveling, which removes a step that no doubt turns many entry-level 3D print operators off. This alone should simplify operations and make prints more reliable, as entry-level folks often don’t level the print platform properly anyway.
They’ve also increased the speed of the printer somewhat over their previous models, but for some reason cite the speed in terms of cubic centimeters per hour, rather than the usual mm/s statistics seen from most other vendors.
The Einstart-C also includes WiFi, enabling some level of remote monitoring and operation, although they do not yet seem to offer an app to do so. I suspect one could be added in the future.
Another feature that might be considered a standard on more expensive equipment is an enclosed chamber. There are two reasons for this: first, it provides some additional level of safety when operating the machine in an educational environment, and secondly it can capture some stray heat and raise the ambient temperature during 3D printing operations.
It won’t catch very much heat, however, as the Einstart-C does not include a heated print surface, thus all stray heat would be emitted from the hot end. As a result, this device can 3D print only low-temperature PLA plastic. However, the enclosed build chamber will certainly aid in print reliability.
The theme of this machine is to make life easier, and one of the elements in that respect is the large color touch screen, where the machine can be controlled. Other low cost machines often include a difficult-to-read LCD panel with cryptic codes, but the Einstart-C’s controls are far easier to read and use.
Regarding the education market, the company has partnered with PrintLab International to create a package of 3D tools, including the Einstart-C and the sibling EinScan-SE 3D scanner, along with lesson plans and other educational material and tools. This should make the machine quite attractive to institutions searching for an entry-level 3D printing option.
These are not revolutionary features, as they are all found on more expensive equipment. However, the key feature of the Einstart-C is no doubt that you can get these features for a low price.
That said, it is rather strange that Shining 3D has not publicly posted the price of the machine anywhere on their site, and instead expect you to fill out a detailed contact form to obtain “the latest” price quote. This practice is probably not going to do their sales very much good, as many potential buyers will simply skip their site and proceed on to other alternatives that do portray pricing. It takes time to fill out forms and today’s shoppers simply won’t do that if they can get pricing elsewhere.
I suspect this practice is a holdover from Shining 3D’s other equipment, which is largely targeted at industrial and professional operators. Sales of larger gear very typically requires a negotiation, rather than a “quick purchase”. But if a machine is targeted at the consumer market, you probably should also offer a way to quickly buy them, too.
It may also be a nod towards the educational market, where purchases of larger quantities of machines would require negotiations. However, there are certainly going to be cases where individual pieces are purchased by teachers and schools.
Via Shining 3D