Each year we run a very brief survey of our readers, and it’s time for the 2017 version.
Surveys are an important part of any business, as they provide a means for gaining feedback from customers – or in this case readers – that otherwise might be difficult to learn.
By doing surveys each year we can also see trends in responses from year to year. For example, last year we saw a very strong shift from casual consumer readers towards professional readers who operate 3D printers daily for business use. This aligns us with the rest of the 3D printing industry, which has been undergoing a similar shift in interest over the past several years.
But why bother responding to a survey? We have two really good reasons.
Well, three.
First is that you’ll help us make this a better publication. We like to align with our readers, and this is your time to speak.
Secondly, we’ve made arrangements to provide a USD$100 gift certificate at Sculpteo, who are sponsoring our annual reader survey once again. If you participate, you will be eligible for the random draw to declare a winner.
The Sculpteo gift certificate can be used to 3D print your 3D model in a wide variety of materials at the popular 3D print service, materials you are unlikely to have available at your own desktop 3D printer. Currently, their portfolio of materials includes:
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
- Nylon PA12 (White)
- Nylon PA11 (Black)
- Nylon PA11/12 (Gray)
- Nylon 3200 Glass-Filled
- Alumide
- Carbonmide
Multi Jet Fusion (HP)
- Multi Jet Fusion PA12 (Black)
- VeroWhite Resin
- VeroClear Resin
- Prototyping Acrylate
- Elastomeric Polyurethane
- Flexible Polyurethane
- Rigid Polyurethane 70
- Multicolor
Selective Laser Melting (Metal)
- Aluminum AlSi7Mg0.6
- Direct Metal Laser Sintering (Metal)
- Stainless steel 316L
- Titanium 6Al-4V
Binder Jetting (Metal)
- Steel / Bronze 420SS/BR
- Stainless Steel 316
Casting (Metal)
- Silver
- Brass
So many choices!
Finally, one more good reason to help us out with our survey: It’s Easy! Filling it out would take only a moment or two, and we’d really appreciate your thoughts.