It’s that time of year again, when we get to know more about you, our readers.
Sure, it’s just a survey, but it is truly very important to us as it is one of the few ways we can connect to our growing audience. We don’t really know who you are and what you’re looking for. Without a survey all we know is that we write fun 3D printing stories and for some reason a lot of people read them, including you.
Our survey is in fact very short and should take you only a few short moments to complete the questions. We simply ask a few basic questions about you, but also ask for your feedback on our activity.
The feedback is critical for us, as we like to tune our business by using what you’re thinking.
Please take a moment and fill out our survey!
And if you’re interested, this year’s survey is once again being sponsored by Sculpteo, who are offering a US$100 gift certificate for use at their popular 3D print and manufacturing service for one lucky respondent. Using this code you can obtain a discount on any 3D print made on their extensive selection of 3D printers, which currently include both plastic and metal capabilities, and even post processing.
Thank you for helping out! We truly appreciate all our readers.
Via Google Forms