Bangor is a hop, skip, and a jump east from Liverpool and just north of the Snowdownia National Park in Wales.
It’s home to the Bangor Design Conference, at the Pontio Centre, which is typically, at this time of year, in the final stages of planning. However, COVID-19 had to rush in, cause a planetary freak-out, and lead us to shut everything down.
The bonus? The BDC, like many other conferences, are shifting gears to put the content, presentations, and lectures online, accessible to any and all.
Jude Pullen (LEGO, Dyson, BBC Big Life Fix…), who has been a keynote speaker over the last three BDC events, is working with Bangor to provide a series of seven ‘Lockdown Lectures‘ focused on, our favorite, the design process. Plus he goes in-depth on some very important aspects, often missed out on, like lateral thinking, communicating ideas, preparing yourself, and overcoming challenges.
Here’s Jude breaking it down in the series intro:
These are all just absolutely excellent with information you won’t find anywhere else from a person who has heaps of experience in making ideas happen. Though some points are directed toward students and those starting out, anyone will come away with insight into the process and a new perspective or, at the least, very inspired.
Read the rest at SolidSmack