Avante Technology announced a new version of their ShapeFish 3D file manager.
AMF News: Free Converter Tool Launched for Enhanced 3D Printing File Format
There’s been a development regarding the official AMF file format.
First AMF File Format Tool Under Development, But Is It Too Late?
A software tool to manage AMF 3D files is being developed.
Demystifying AMF: 7 Reasons To Start Using The ISO Standard Additive Manufacturing Format For Your AM Applications
While many people have heard of AMF, very few have a good understanding of the many useful features this format provides.
3D Printing In Space Started Small, Proving Viability
Years of experimentation are leading to affirmation: 3D printing in space, for in-space use, is looking viable.
You Can Now Request Prints From That Orbiting 3D Printer
The commercial 3D printer that recently arrived on the International Space Station is now operating!
Just Maybe This 3MF Thing Is Going To Work
The 3MF Consortium announced the arrival of four more companies to the project. And they’re notable companies.
Additive Manufacturing File Format Allows for Volumetric Specifications
In a recent post on “The End of Polygons,” Aaron Trocola correctly points out that the STL file format is becoming a major barrier to production of objects with high volumetric complexity, such as internal lattices and graded materials – essentially reaching a point where STL files make certain advanced applications difficult or impossible. … Continue reading Additive Manufacturing File Format Allows for Volumetric Specifications
Waiting For AMF
Some months ago (March actually) we wrote about a new file format for additive manufacturing that had been approved after long discussion: AMF, the Additive Manufacturing Format. This new format included a variety of key features to dramatically improve the information content found in 3D models. Meta data, materials, colors, textures and more were… Continue reading Waiting For AMF