FABRICATION LABORATORY consists of not one but a series of activities (exhibitions, real-time fabrication laboratories, workshops, lectures, etc.) that offer a comprehensive overview of 3D digital manufacturing technologies.
Flickr user LaN_Luis has published a series of images of some very fascinating objects. Here’s our favourites from this exhibition that runs until September (click for larger images):

The message we’re seeing with these amazing exhibits is simple: anything, be it from a scanned digital source, a mathematical algorithm or pure imagination can be made real.
Long live creativity!
Via Flickr
Very unusual designs,I never seen this kind of chair before ..you have to spend a lot of effort to do this..
The pieces you refer to as rather porous vases are actually bracelets created using our cell cycle applet http://vimeo.com/10074976
The same one we designed to create these pieces http://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/shop/line.php?code=5