These relatively inexpensive, yet very capable printers begin pricing at USD$19,900 and €16,900 in Europe.
The Objet24 is labelled as a “Personal 3D Printer”, whereas the Objet30 is labelled a “Desktop 3D Printer”, so we can immediately see how they are being targeted. Nevertheless, the technical characteristics of the pair are nearly identical. Here’s the identical aspects:
- Layer thickness of 28 microns
- X,Y,Z resolution of 600x600x900 dpi
- 0.1mm accuracy
- WaterJet removable support gel material
- 82.5 x 62.0 x 59.0 cm physical size
- 93 kg weight (hm, are these things *really* for your desktop?)
So what is different between these seemingly identical printers? Just this:
- The Objet24 handles only white opaque material, while the Objet30 is capable of several colors and a more durable white material
- The Objet30 has a tray size 60mm larger on the X axis
We like the pricing; it’s not quite at home-user levels, but heading in the right direction for this very capable device.