Don’t fear, there is a solution – at least if you happen to be in the Philadelphia area this summer. NextFab Studio has put together a series of two-day workshops in which you’ll not only be able to learn how to build a 3D printer, but you’ll actually build your own to take home with you.
The two-day workshops are scheduled for: July 28/29, August 11/12 and August 25/26 at a cost of US$2000 (which includes the printer, of course). They say:
In this class, you will be building a MendelMax 1.5, the most advanced version of the RepRap 3D printer. Since many parts of the RepRap are made from plastic, they can be printed on a RepRap, meaning the RepRap self-replicates by making a kit of itself – a kit that anyone can assemble given time and some additional materials. It also means that – if you’ve got a RepRap – not only you can print out all sorts of fun stuff, you can also print all the plastic parts needed to make another RepRap for a friend, or use the knowledge to fix it, repair it, and 3D-print upgrades!!
They’re also throwing in a free license of Moment of Inspiration’s 3D modeling software.
Via EventBrite