Making Figurines with the Form 1

By on January 30th, 2014 in printer


CultureJapan’s Danny Choo has posted a detailed hands-on experience with Formlab’s Form 1 resin-based 3D printer. As we’ve not yet been able to check one out in our lab, we thought we’d see how blogger Danny Choo felt about using the Form 1. 
  • Choo found Form 1’s driver software, PreForm, to be pretty easy to use. We understand that is a key design goal of Formlabs and it seems they hit it right on. 
  • have to top up the resin tank while printing
  • The now-iconic orange UV-lid keeps resin good for couple of weeks, so long as you don’t open the lid and expose the resin to UV rays from, say, sunlight. 
  • Once you transfer a print job from PreForm to the Form 1, you can disconnect the USB cable. When? PreForm will tell you when!
  • Choo reports difficulty removing prints from the platform after printing. Evidently they stick very, very well. In fact, sometimes prints go “flying across the room” due to the force required to remove them. Best to use a sheet or other mechanism to catch them (one CultureJapan reader built a “goal” to catch them).
  • Choo reports the new PreForm software produces a gap for insertion of a removal tool in the base of the print, making removal a bit easier.
  • The Form 1’s prints require cleaning after the print completes to remove the generated support structures. You’ll also have to wash the print in isopropyl alcohol to finish them. 
  • Choo recommends having good room ventilation; we’re definitely ok with that. Safety First!
Choo then proceeded to use the Form 1 print to produce a mold for the figurine he and crew were devising. Please check out his post to see the entire process. 
Meanwhile, we felt the best advice from Choo on Form 1 operation was: 
The resin is viscous and you should not sniff, touch, drink or spread on toast.

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!

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