![The Markforged X5 3D printer [Source: Markforged]](https://fabbaloo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/image-asset_img_5eb050ad9c6e6.jpg)
Markforged announced they have earned an ISO:27001 certification.
Markforged is the well-known 3D printer manufacturer that broke upon the scene several years ago with a revolutionary continuous carbon fiber device. Since then they have improved their offerings and now market metal 3D printers.
ISO:27001 is a standard for information security. It includes a framework for all security policies and procedures within a company’s operation.
You might be wondering why this is a big deal. What’s with another certification?
This certification deals with security matters. If one achieves this certification, it means the company has actually implemented a comprehensive series of security measures. It’s likely the company or its products cannot be corrupted by bad actors, or if they do, then it is detected swiftly and corrected.
It turns out that some 3D printer buyers require this particular certification before purchase. You can imagine parties such as the government, military, their providers & subcontractors, or even a highly secure commercial operation could very well require ISO:27001.
This certification could open the door to sales of Markforged’s 3D printers to these parties, whereas previously they would not have even been considered.
Markforged says they are the only 3D printer manufacturer to achieve ISO:27001, and I believe they are correct. This could be a tremendous advantage as they might appear as the only 3D printing option on some purchase analyses. It’s almost like a monopoly on 3D printing for ISO:27001-requiring buyers.
Markforged says:
“The ISO 27001 certification demonstrates that Markforged has met rigorous international standards in ensuring the privacy, confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the entire Markforged ecosystem. The ISO 27001 certification includes the Markforged best-in-class Eiger cloud additive manufacturing platform, 3D printing hardware, fleet management software, and information governance policies.”
I think we could see a nice bump in Markforged sales in coming months as a result of this certification. In fact, they’ve already announced sale of machines to the US Marines.
Via ISO and Markforged