I’m looking at 3D Alliances’ new “IMPACT” program for 3D printer manufacturers.
3D Alliances is an Israeli 3D print consulting firm that provides a variety of management-related services to clients in the industry. One of them is a new program they call “IMPACT”.
IMPACT is designed to assist companies that wish to expand sales, often a very challenging task. While some manufacturers sell equipment directly — meaning through their website — the big money is found by leveraging networks of distributors and resellers.
These operations have extensive contacts within a region and (hopefully) are trusted by clients. They can open doors and generate more sales than can be done by manufacturers themselves. Even better, they can do so very quickly, far faster than a manufacturer can build up a competent sales network on their own.
That is — if they know how to build the network. Unsurprisingly many 3D printers manufacturers, particularly smaller companies, can be quite good at building the 3D printers — but less experienced in the sales aspects.
That’s where the IMPACT program comes in.
The program involves an assessment of existing sales processes to identify the best practices. If a company has several parties selling their equipment, some will be more successful than others. The idea here is to figure out the secrets of the successful participants and pass along those rules of thumb to those with less success.
Eventually this approach should help optimize the sales of a given company.
IMPACT is designed to work for three levels of manufacturers:
- “Startups” with less than 50 staff, often with only rudimentary sales networks
- “Scaleups” of medium size, often looking for international expansion
- “Market leaders” with complex sales networks looking for optimization

3D Alliances provides a sales network dashboard that shows the progress of different components of the sales network.
3D Alliances has worked with companies to help with sales networks for some time, and their experience and connections suggests the IMPACT program could be quite valuable to some manufacturers.
3D Alliances calls the program a “revenue accelerator”, which it certainly could be for the right client.
Via 3D Alliances