Could Bootleg Collectibles be a New 3D Print Application?

By on April 26th, 2022 in news, Usage

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A 3D printed bootleg collectible [Source: SuspiciousDuck]

A maker seems to have invented a new form of 3D print application: Bootleg Collectibles.

Vermont-based ā€œSuspiciousDuckā€ has launched several highly unusual products. At first they seem to be ā€œrealā€ consumer products, but a closer look reveals them to be, well, suspicious.

Take this one, ā€œTruck Stuck In Notchā€:

A 3D printed bootleg collectible [Source: SuspiciousDuck]

It seems to be a possibly interesting truck model, where the vehicle has gone off road at a tight corner. But thereā€™s more to the story. SuspiciousDuck explains:

ā€œYou canā€™t live in Vermont without hearing about the trucks that get stuck trying to drive through Smugglers Notch every summer, despite many warnings.ā€

Another one: ā€œF35 Disrupting Your Dayā€:

A 3D printed bootleg collectible [Source: SuspiciousDuck]

You get the idea.

However, the concept exploded with his latest design, ā€œPassenger Hitting Propellerā€, shown at top.

This design seems a bit weird until you recall that famous scene in the 1999 Titanic movie by James Cameron in which a CGI figure loses their grip and falls a tremendous distance downward, only to bounce of the doomed shipā€™s propeller into the icy ocean.

SuspiciousDuck made a toy out of that scene!

Even better, he offered it for sale on eBay. But not for long, as eBay swiftly removed it as being ā€œcounterfeitā€.

I wouldnā€™t say it is counterfeit, as there are surely no toys based on this particular movie scene. But it absolutely would be infringing on the background image of the main movie characters. It would have been removed either way.

Nevertheless, this is a very intriguing idea: new, 3D printed collectibles based on everyday scenarios people are familiar with. Scenarios that somehow have not been made into collectibles by the mass manufacturers.

While some of these may require adaptation to be legally distributed, I think SuspiciousDuck is on to something here.

Could this become a thing? Could creative 3D printer operators come up with their own ideas for these ā€œbootleg collectiblesā€?

I think it could.

They could address obscure situations and regional happenings that might attract interest from buyers. In fact, comments on the posts related to the ā€œPropellorā€ product seem to suggest there would be many buyers.

Bootleg collectibles could become another low volume manufacturing application for those with a creative ā€” and suspicious ā€” side.

What bootleg collectibles would you want to see made?

Via Reddit, ETSY, and SuspiciousDuckVT

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!

1 comment

  1. Great article! It’s fascinating to see how 3D printing is expanding into different areas, and bootleg collectibles are definitely a unique and unexpected application. Not only does it provide fans with access to rare and limited-edition items, but it also showcases the creativity and versatility of 3D printing technology. Looking forward to seeing what other innovative uses emerge in the future! CinemaHDV2

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