Last Chance To Get In On Our Rapid Fire Interview Day

By on November 8th, 2021 in Event, news

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Catch up with us prior to Formnext! [Source: Fabbaloo]

Wednesday is our Rapid Fire interview day, where any 3D print vendors can chat with us.

We set up this special day because we have decided not to attend Formnext this year due to covid complications. While our entire team is fully vaccinated, we still run the risk of a positive test prior to returning home, resulting in a long quarantine.

Itā€™s quite disappointing, as we have attended Formnext and its predecessor event, Euromold, for many years. Weā€™ve met literally hundreds of people and encountered a similar number of companies involved in additive manufacturing.

If weā€™re not going, will we miss out? Certainly, but we had an idea to enable some connections to the community: a Rapid Fire Interview Day.

Weā€™ve done this once before in the early days of the pandemic, and it was a great experience. We met dozens of companies and caught up with their developments. All of that was then relayed to readers in subsequent stories on Fabbaloo.

Now weā€™re doing it again, and thereā€™s not much time left to get a spot.

Companies might have a new announcement they wish to bring to our attention, or perhaps itā€™s a new machine or material. Whatever it is, we want to hear about it!

Weā€™re particularly interested in hearing from smaller or brand-new companies that might not receive the media coverage they deserve. Itā€™s very easy to get lost in the avalanche of announcements that typically happen at Formnext, so this is a chance to be seen.

If you want to make sure we speak with someone at a company and potentially publish a story on them in the future, please feel free to forward this post to their representatives.

Wednesday, November 10th, is our Rapid Fire Interview Day. Weā€™ve chopped up the day into 15 minute slots, three per hour, all day long. Interested parties can simply select which slot they wish to connect with us, and weā€™ll do a Zoom call at that time.

Those wishing to speak with us simply need to click this link and select an available time slot thatā€™s convenient. However, in order to speak with as many participants as possible, each slot is only 15 minutes long. This means that conversations will be quick and to the point. Of course, there is always the possibility of later followup if necessary.

If material is to be discussed in advance of an official announcement, we are able to work under embargo terms.

I have one ask for participants, however: if youā€™re located in North America, please try to select time slots later in the day to make room earlier for those in the Europe, whose clocks are many hours ahead.

To schedule a 15 minute meeting with us, just click here and follow the easy instructions.

We hope to see you soon!

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!

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