Tractus3D’s T3500SE: The Tallest Delta 3D Printer on the Market?

By on February 15th, 2023 in news, printer

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The Tractus3D T3500SE delta 3D printer [Source: Fabbaloo]

Tractus3D offers what is likely the tallest delta 3D printer I’ve ever seen: the T3500SE.

Tractus3D is a Dutch company that produces large-volume polymer 3D printers that can operate at high temperatures. This combination makes them ideal for industrial use, particularly when producing tall production or prototype objects.

The company offers quite a selection of high temperature delta 3D printers, with “Desk”, “Pro” and “Large Volume” series of devices. The Desk series starts at a “small” build volume of 280mm diameter and 340mm tall, and their other products are larger.

Some of them are much, much larger. The device in question today is the truly massive T3500SE.

As you can see from the above image, this delta 3D printer is totally enormous, dwarfing the tiny humans nearby.

How big is it? The build volume is an incredible 1000mm diameter by 2200mm in height. That’s large enough to 3D print a life size person. Or two. To put it another way, that’s 1.57 cubic METERS.

There is considerable thermal control on the T3500SE. The build plate can be heated to 110C, and it can reach a practical 60C in only seven minutes. That’s pretty fast for such a large build plate.

The hot end on the T3500SE can reach a scorching 500C — and in only 90 seconds! This, combined with the enclosed chamber and heated print surface, enables the device to handle a wide variety of engineering polymers for 3D printing.

Along with the huge size of the machine, its control panel is also large at 15”. This is perhaps one of the largest panels we’ve seen on a 3D printer.

The T3500SE has swappable nozzles, and it supports 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 and 1.8 mm nozzle diameters. The ability to install larger diameter nozzles is very important for a 3D printer with such a large volume. If you’re printing a large object that doesn’t require high detail, then a larger nozzle is quite desirable as it will dramatically shorten the otherwise lengthy print duration.

The Tractus3D T3500SE delta 3D printer printing a large letter [Source: Fabbaloo]

Since the T3500SE is a delta machine, you can expect the printhead to move rapidly and accurately. This is because of its low weight combined with the delta motion system. The result is speedy prints with very good quality.

Most of the very large 3D printers I have seen are cartesian affairs, with cubic build volumes. For them the “one meter” dimension takes them into the “large format” category. In this case, however, the T3500SE hits that mark and beyond — and it’s a delta machine.

More importantly, most of the other large format 3D printers are not capable of handling high temperature engineering materials. Here the T3500SE is able to 3D print with highly desirable materials including PEEK.

Some thoughts about the physical nature of the T3500SE: the machine’s configuration doesn’t take up a great deal of floor space, but it is extremely tall. This could prevent it from being installed in some workshops due to height constraints. However, if it did fit, there is the possibility to lay out quite a number of them in a small footprint to set up a production line.

Those seeking a large format, high temperature 3D printing option might consider the T3500SE.

Via Tractus3D

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!

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