The massive device, known as the “Scalable Largescale Cartesian Bot”, apparently uses RepRap-derived principles, and is likely the biggest 3D printer design aside from the building-sized concrete versions. Kurt says:
you could fix a PU-Foam spitting can, and try printing big pink foam objects like a pink pig or a foamy chair. Or you can try experimenting with milling or putting your favorite extruder on it and see what happens.
Also, he indicates that although the dimensions he’s chosen are 1m cubed, the device could be made even bigger by choosing a different length for the aluminum tubes. OMG.
Commenters pointed out a few likely issues:
- Use of drive belts would probably fail due to the size of the belts. Their slight expansion would be amplified over such distances.
- Build surface must be capable of supporting and removing very heavy items.
- Safety: panels on the sides may ensure small children and pets don’t become extruder bait.
We’re sure Kurt will figure out these issues and lock up the pets, too. Good Luck, Kurt!
@JohnQ – What kind of issues do you foresee? What can be done to overcome them???
@JohnQ – What kind of issues do you foresee? What can be done to overcome them???
There are a very large amount of issues with building a DIY cartesian gantry of this size before he will ever get it working at a 1m^3 scale.
There are a very large amount of issues with building a DIY cartesian gantry of this size before he will ever get it working at a 1m^3 scale.
I look forward to seeing it cut through some foam! An amazing sight to behold for sure!
Jon @ 3DMarvels.com
I look forward to seeing it cut through some foam! An amazing sight to behold for sure!
Jon @ 3DMarvels.com