Mehdi Sadaghdar’s 3D printing tutorial is right on the mark, but also quite painful.
Who is Mehdi Sadaghdar? He’s a notable Vancouver-based electrical engineer who spends time creating tutorial YouTube videos with a twist: at some point in every single video, Sadaghdar manages to hurt himself badly, sometimes several times.
It’s funny because you KNOW he’s going to burn or electrocute himself. You just don’t know when.

That’s definitely the case in this video in which he investigates 3D printing technology. Sadaghdar explains the process by demonstrating the process of plastic extrusion using a hot glue gun in manual mode.
His technology process demonstration resulted in a rather flimsy looking glue-tree, which for some unexplainable reason is now listed at over USD$500 on eBay. You may consider bidding yourself.

Towards the end of the video, Sadaghdar has managed to land himself an actual desktop 3D printer, in this case a LulzBot mini, where he prints – what else – bombs!
How does it turn out? Well, you’ll have to watch the entire video, but here’s a slight hint.

Via YouTube