This publication is due for some changes.
We’ve been operating in our current manner for several years now, and I’ve had an itch to do some changes for quite some time. We’ve spent considerable time making some plans that will become very apparent tomorrow, and we encourage readers to drop by and check out what’s happened.
No, I’m not going to tell you what we’re intending on doing – that will happen tomorrow. But I will say that things will look a lot different in many ways, and everyone here hopes you will appreciate what we’ve been working on.
That said, I must also say we’re going to take the site down later today to implement the changes, which are substantial. We don’t take the site down often, if ever. If I recall correctly the last time we did so was way back in February 2014 when we changed our logo and significantly tuned up our presentation style.
I’d tell you that my intention is to shut the site down after lunch and spend a few hours fixing things up, but since we’re a global publication “after lunch” doesn’t really mean much due to time zones. How many time zones do we appear in? All Of Them!
But wherever and whenever you are, know that we will be back as soon as we can get things set up correctly.
And rest assured, you will continue to see stories and analysis of the incredible world of 3D printing as it evolves into the future.
After my lunch, anyway.
Fabbaloo is up and running with our full operations team once again.