India-EFTA Trade Deal Boosts 3D Printing Revolution

Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi explore how the groundbreaking trade deal between India and the EFTA nations is set to revolutionize multiple industries through the strategic implementation of 3D printing technology.

Solving Everyday Household Problems With 3D Printed Objects

3D printing is becoming more accessible to everyone. What used to require a lot of time, money, and engineering expertise is now something that creative tech novices can utilize to create everything from toys and gadgets to useful tools and objects.’s All-in-One AI Platform Simplifies Additive Manufacturing Workflow

We had a look at’s new AI-based additive manufacturing solution. The software platform intends on solving some of the complexities of performing additive manufacturing. Today the process requires multiple steps, sets of expertise and tools, and in a world where 3D printer makers try to encourage more adoption, that’s a problem. launched from… Continue reading’s All-in-One AI Platform Simplifies Additive Manufacturing Workflow