Automated 3D Printing On Prusa Equipment With Quinly

By on June 24th, 2021 in Hardware, news

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Automated 3D Printing on Prusa Equipment With Quinly
Quinly-upgraded Prusa 3D printer for continuous unattended 3D printing [Source: 3DQue]

3DQue announced a new version of their Quinly continuous 3D printing system for Prusa equipment.

Vancouver-based 3DQue developed a technology they call ā€œVAAPRā€, which uses thermal control for adhesion. When at temperature, a part sticks extraordinarily well. But when temperature returns to room temperature, the object is automatically released each and every time with no human effort required.

3DQue leveraged this technology into something they call ā€œQuinlyā€. (Aside: Iā€™ll have to figure out the background to that product name sometime.) The Quinly system involves installing the VAAPR print surface and at the same time tilting the printer at 45 degrees.

The idea is that when the print is released when the VAAPR bed cools, the print slides off the bed for collection. At that point the print bed is free and clear, ready for a second 3D print.

This is essentially continuous 3D printing; jobs can run one after the other without the need for any human intervention. That is, until the spool of filament runs out or the collection basket overflows, but those are problems you want to have when producing many prints.

Previously 3DQue released a Quinly version designed for the popular Ender 3 desktop 3D printer. This upgrade replaced the stock print bed with a VAAPR equivalent and added structural parts to tip the Ender 3 over to a 45-degree angle.

Quinly online production management software for continuous 3D printing [Source: 3DQue]

Quinly also includes access to the control software that can be used to essentially launch your own production system by queuing up work or requesting multiple copies of an object. The Ender 3 version is provided in two forms: complete or DIY print-your-own-parts.

Now 3DQue announced the pending availability of a Quinly specially designed for the very popular Prusa line of 3D printers. 3DQue explains:

ā€œAre you looking for reliable, efficient high-volume printing? Experience the freedom of automation with our newest product, Quinly for Prusa.

Quinly combines our custom automation software with VAAPR Print Bed technology specifically formulated for auto-release. This upgrade kit allows you to print continuously even when you are away from home!ā€

The Quinly Prusa system includes filament out detection, crash detection ā€œand moreā€.

Thereā€™s no price for the Quinly Prusa version yet, but itā€™s likely to be similar to the Ender 3 edition, which currently lists for US$229 / US$129 depending on the version you select.

The Quinly Prusa is not yet available, but it sounds like a formal release is imminent. You can sign up at their site for notifications.

Via Quinly Prusa

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!

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