This week’s selection is “The Maker Marketplace Handbook” by Jennifer Maker.
“Jennifer Maker” is the artist name of a real mom from Michigan that produces quite a number of craft / maker projects, supplies, tools and books. One of them is this one, “The Maker Marketplace”.
It’s always a problem pricing craft products, mostly because those doing the crafting have more experience with making and less with the financial aspects. It’s easily possible to set a price, but is that price truly what it should be, or could be? Is it enough to recover all costs incurred to make the product, or could you be losing money without knowing it?
Pricing can be quite complex and involve several factors that might not be so visible to makers. It’s important to get the price right, not only to make a profit, but also to ensure it’s at the right level to attract customers.
This books explores all those questions in an engaging and easy to read manner. The book begins with an exploration of the craft project as a business, asking key questions to clarify goals. Those can then help drive price setting methods described later on in the process.
But it doesn’t end there. The book continues to provide advice on how to go about basic marketing for your craft products — which of course can be 3D printed items.
If you’re considering starting a craft sales business using 3D printing, you might consider reading this book to learn more about how to price your products.
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