This week’s selection is “Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want” by Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Gregory Bernarda, and Alan Smith.
This is a book that will turn your mind around when designing products. Many 3D printer operators have notions of 3D printing items for sale, and many have been quite successful doing so. But how have they managed to succeed? What’s the magic?
Is it simply having a good idea?
Yes, that’s essentially the answer: if your product is something people actually want and need, they will buy it. If not, they won’t. Unfortunately many novice designers have the mistaken assumption that their “good idea” is what people want and need.
Most often, they do not.
This may come as a big surprise to designers, and that’s because it turns out that other people have different needs, experiences and situations. The key is to design products that THEY need, not what you need.
But how does one know what other people need? That’s where this book comes in. It includes a series of explanations and processes one can use to systematically determine product designs that people actually want.
This is the lesson that all entrepreneurs learn early on: product and service ideas must be validated with the public. It’s not good enough to ask friendlies whether they like something; instead you have to ask people you don’t know whether they will actually put down cash for the product. Then you’ll find out if you have a product or not.
But that’s just one technique. This is a book full of ideas and ways to identify, create and validate products that will truly sell.
For those with a small print farm and the urge to print and sell products, this book is a must.
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