Introducing the D4200S: The Highest Resolution 3D Printer on the Market

By on April 14th, 2023 in news, printer

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The D4200S nano-scale 3D printer [Source: Nano3Dprint]

Nano3Dprint announced what is very likely the highest resolution 3D printer on the market, the D4200S.

Extraordinary Precision and Resolution

Print sample from the D4200S nano-scale 3D printer [Source: Nano3Dprint]

This is not your everyday 3D printer by any means. The D4200S is a specialized device designed to 3D print extraordinarily tiny objects with incredible precision.

How good is the D4200S’s resolution? It can go as small as 20nm. That’s equal to 0.00002mm or about 5,000 times smaller than typical desktop 3D printer resolution. Nano3Dprint explains:

“We’ve leveraged our scanning probe extensive nanotechnology product and system knowledge to produce the D4200S, a Micro-to-Nanoscale materials printer designed for Printed Electronics, Prototyping, R&D, and Industrial Applications. Capable of a 20 nanometers print resolution, the D4200S is the highest-resolution additive print system available.”

Versatile Tip Sizes and Applications

You don’t have to print that small, as the device has a number of “tips” available for installation, ranging from 0.200mm all the way down to 20nm.

The build volume for this device is surprisingly large, at 50 x 50 x 50 mm. Normally, nano-scale 3D printers have extraordinarily small build chambers, but as this printer can use variable-sized tips of greater resolution, the larger size was necessary.

The system also includes a video microscope that can magnify images of the print up to 400X, making it possible to see what you’re printing.

The D4200S is primarily for development of unusual electronic applications, but Nano3Dprint also lists these applications:

  • Prototyping
  • Maskless Lithography
  • Mask Repair
  • Bioprinting
  • Tissue Engineering

A Versatile Laboratory Tool with a Hefty Price Tag

The D4200S nano-scale 3D printer [Source: Nano3Dprint]

This is certainly not a device for everyone, but it does appear to be a versatile laboratory item that could prove extremely useful in specific situations.

The D4200S is not an inexpensive device, as it seems to be priced at US$250,000, with a 25% deposit required upon ordering.

Via Nano3Dprint

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!

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