KTH Researchers Develop New Silica Glass Micro 3D Printing Technique

By on June 21st, 2023 in materials, news

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[Source: VoxelMatters]

The technique has now been used to print the world’s smallest wine glass – although it holds hope for a range of more useful, industrial applications.

Researchers at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, in Stockholm, have 3D printed the worldā€™s smallest wine glass ā€“ nearly indistinguishable with the naked eye ā€“ with a rim smaller than the width of a human hair. The purpose of which was to demonstrate a new, simplified technique for creating silica glass structures for a range of applications ā€“ from telecommunications to robotics.

According to Frank Niklaus, Professor at KTH, the new technique surmounts complications, such as the need for thermal treatment, when 3D printing essential silica glass components. He also says it can be used for customized lenses for medical machinery that perform minimally invasive surgery, micro-robots that navigate extreme environments, or filters and couplers for fiber optic networks ā€“ to name a few applications.

One such fiber optic filter was produced in the study. The researchers show that the technique can print devices directly on the tip of an optical fiber as thin as a strand of a human hair.

ā€œThe backbone of the internet is based on optical fibers made of glass. In those systems, all kinds of filters and couplers are needed that can now be 3D printed by our technique,ā€ said Kristinn Gylfason, an associate professor of Micro- and Nano-systems at KTH, and co-author of the study. ā€œThis opens many new possibilities.ā€

The method drastically reduces the energy needed to 3D print silica glass, which normally requires heating materials up to several hundred degrees for hours, according to Po-Han Huang, a doctoral student at KTH, and lead author of the study. ā€œThe advantage of our method is thereā€™s no need for thermal treatment and the glass can withstand extreme heat in applications.ā€ Another benefit is reportedly that the method can produce silica glass using readily available, commercial materials.

Read the rest of this story at VoxelMatters

By VoxelMatters

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