Prusa To Raise 3D Printer Pricing

By on June 3rd, 2022 in Corporate, news

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Prices of 3D printers are going up [Source: Prusa Research / Fabbaloo]

Prusa Research has announced price increases for certain 3D printers.

In a brief announcement on Twitter, Prusa Research founder Josef Prusa said:

“In the last two years we’ve been facing a slow but steady increase in production costs – it was started by the Covid pandemic and continued with supply chain problems. Our plan to wait it out is now impossible because of the horrible war affecting the world even further.

Lowering the quality is not an option for us, so we have to adjust our prices. Starting this Friday the price of the MK3S+ and the MINI+ will be increased by $50-$100 (both kits and assembled versions). The price increase in € will be higher due to changes in exchange rates.”

Currently the Prusa MINI+ Kit is listed at US$349, and the MKK2+ Kit is listed at US$749. These prices will certainly be adjusted by the time you read this post.

This is unfortunate news, but likely unavoidable. Prusa Research has done quite well to keep pricing at original levels to date. Remember that the Prusa MINI was first announced in 2019, almost three years ago and it has not seen a price increase.

Meanwhile, the flagship MK3S+ has had some price increases, as when it first appeared (as the MK3S), the kit price was US$749. An update to the MK3S+ in 2020 did not change the price, but apparently this price will now disappear.

With prices of everything skyrocketing, it is no surprise that Prusa Research has taken this step. Other companies in the space have already done so, mostly by sneaking in price tweaks as new models are frequently introduced. Prusa Research’s price change is more noticeable because they’ve maintained consistent pricing for literally years on some products.

Prusa added:

“This saddens me, as I always wanted to make the printers as affordable as possible. But I have high hopes, the world will get back in order sooner than later.”

We do too.

Via Twitter

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!

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