I’m looking at an intriguing upgrade for Bowden 3D printers to increase quality and print speed. Bowden systems are common in the desktop 3D printer market due to their low manufacturing cost. The idea is to put the extruder motor away from the toolhead to reduce the toolhead’s weight. This allows the toolhead to move… Continue reading Affordable Kevlar Sheath Mod Increases Print Speed and Accuracy for Bowden 3D Printers
Design of the Week: Bowden Tube Cap
This week’s selection is the Bowden Tube Cap by Printables contributor WaltzingKea.
What’s New At Hotends.com?
I spoke with Nick Stratton, the fellow behind Hotends.com about their recent activities.
The Plybot 3D Printer’s Most Unusual Motion System
A new Kickstarter project features a 3D printer with the most unusual motion system.
The Nimble Extruder: Not Direct, Not Bowden, But Something Else
I’m looking at a unique 3D printer extruder design from Zesty called “Nimble”.
3D Print Learning Series: Concepts
This is an entry in our 3D Print Learning Series, focusing on 3D print concepts.
E3D-Online Making Progress On Their Tool-Changing 3D Printer Design
E3D-Online has nearly completed its beta test of an unusual tool-changing 3D printer.
The Lynxter S600D High-Temperature 3D Printer
A French startup has developed a versatile high-temperature 3D printer.
Is it a Bowden or Direct 3D Printer Extruder? How About Both!
We got a shock when looking at Stacker’s latest machine.
Bowden Style 3D Printing’s Critical Element: The Tube
We’ve been working on some Bowden-style equipment recently and realized an important design aspect.