MX3D is gaining momentum in the marketplace.
New 3D Printing Method Embeds Optical Sensors in Metal Parts for Micro Reactors
A new application area for additive manufacturing has been identified: micro reactors.
ORNL Reduces Inspection Time for 3D Printed Nuclear Parts by 85%
The algorithm is now being trained for Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to apply similar methods for irradiated materials and nuclear fuel.
The Next Energy Revolution: How 3D Printing and Nuclear Power Are Shaping AI
Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi explore the growing partnership between nuclear energy, 3D printing, and big tech as companies like Microsoft and Oracle fuel their AI operations with re-commissioned reactors and cutting-edge innovations.
The Revival of Nuclear Reactors and 3D Printing
Charles R. Goulding and Christopher Lee look at the increasing use of metal 3D printing in the nuclear industry.
First 3D Printed Parts Installed in a Nuclear Reactor
Researchers have successfully installed 3D printed parts into a nuclear reactor.
A Thousand Crazy Ideas: Bill Gates And 3D Printing
Charles Goulding Jr. takes a trip through Bill Gates’ brain – and finds plenty of 3D printing.
Advanced Nuclear, 3D Printing, And R&D: Exploring The Way Forward
Charles Goulding Jr. considers the future of nuclear energy and its acceleration via 3D printing.
Watching 3D Printed Tungsten Crack In Real Time
Researchers have found a way to directly observe micro-cracking of 3D printed tungsten metal.
Finding Your Niche: XJet’s Nuclear Ambitions
XJet is focusing strongly on ceramic 3D printing applications, something they may not have initially planned.