Design of the Week: Giant Disinfectant Bottle

By on December 12th, 2022 in Design, news

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Massive 3D printed spray bottle held by Modix CEO Shachar Gafni [Source: Modix]

This week’s selection is the Giant Disinfectant Bottle by Modix.

Modix is a well-known Israeli company that produces rather large 3D printers. In fact, their line of printers is literally called “BIG”: the BIG 60, BIG 120X, BIG-180X and others are models made by the company.

These machines sport extraordinarily large build volumes, with the smallest option being the BIG-60. That “small” machine has a build volume of 600 x 600 x 660 mm, bigger than practically all desktop machines and many standalone devices. Their largest device is the BIG Meter, which, if you haven’t guessed already, has a volume of 1010 x 1010 x 1010 mm.

Due to the size and long durations of the prints that take place on these machines, they are all enclosed to capture heat and eliminate thermal warping. Some of the prints can take days. This massive impeller, for example, apparently took three days to complete!

Massive 3D printed impeller made by Modix [Source: Modix]

These enormous FFF machines are thus capable of producing extremely large polymer parts.

One of these huge parts is the massive spray bottle shown at top, shown by Fabbaloo friend Shachar Gafni, who just happens to be the founder of Modix.

Gafni explained that the company has now introduced IDEX extrusion technology that permits use of soluble support on such large parts, greatly simplifying the post processing steps.

I did wonder about the cost of soluble support when used on large models: large models means large supports, and soluble support material can be expensive.

Gafni said the approach Modix uses is to print the soluble material only on the interface between the support and the model. That way they minimize the use of expensive soluble support, and keep production costs low on larger parts. Gafni believes this actually offers better support, as there is no gap between the part and the support, meaning the model’s surface is smoother.

While the huge disinfectant bottle is likely not ever going to be an actual product it does demonstrate the ability of Modix equipment to produce massive parts. Gafni told us they do have many customers making production parts, particularly after-market parts for automobiles. These would include long skirts and other customizable items.

If you want to build large parts with Modix equipment, you’d best contact the company for details. However, Modix does offer relatively low prices for such large equipment by delivering them in kit form. They have a relatively straightforward self-assembly process for each model.

Via Modix

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!

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