This week’s selection is the Bicha de Balazote 3D scan by Printables contributor mzedp.
Design of the Week: Charger Port Cleaning Tool
This week’s selection is the Charger Port Cleaning Tool by Printables contributor fifindr.
Design of the Week: 3D Printed Electromechanical 7-Segment Display
This week’s selection is the 3D Printed Electromechanical 7-Segment Display by Instructables contributor tin-foil-hat.
Design of the Week: Cute Knitted Elephant
This week’s selection is the Cute Knitted Elephant by MakerWorld contributor AK.
Design of the Week: 3D Printed Optical Microscope
This week’s selection is the 3D Printed Optical Microscope by a team of researchers from the Universities of Strathclyde and Glasgow.
Design of the Week: Gnome Vase
This week’s selection is the Gnome Vase by Thangs contributor Decorartor.
Design of the Week: Vincent Van Gogh Portrait
This week’s selection is the Vincent Van Gogh portrait by Luke Taylor of Polymaker.
Design of the Week: Stereographic Projection
This week’s selection is the Stereographic Projection by mathematician Henry Segerman.
Design of the Week: DISCOVER 3D
This week’s selection is the DISCOVER 3D by LEMKI Robotix and iScale3D.
Design of the Week: Mac mini Pro
This week’s selection is the Mac mini Pro by MakerWorld contributor Jerrod Hofferth.
Design of the Week: Side Bin
This week’s selection is the highly over-engineered Side Bin by Printables contributor SMACKMAX.
Design of the Week: BentoBox v2.0 Carbon Filter
This week’s selection is the BentoBox v2.0 Carbon Filter by Printables contributor thrutheframe.
Design of the Week: Phone Chair
This week’s selection is the Phone Chair Version 2 by Printables contributor mybrainwaves.
Design of the Week: Filament Estimator
This week’s selection is the Filament Estimator by MakerWorld contributor Northeast Tiger Walking Again.
Design of the Week: Counter Bin 2.0
This week’s selection is the Counter Bin 2.0 by Printables contributor FlaminSpike.
Design of the Week: Pillars of Creation
This week’s selection is the Pillars of Creation by the Space Telescope Science Institute.
Design of the Week: World’s Largest Benchy
This week’s selection is the World’s Largest Benchy by Emily the Engineer.
Design of the Week: Spice Rack Pullout
This week’s selection is the Spice Rack Pullout with Metal Rods by Printables contributor SpongyBob.
Design of the Week: Black Betty
This week’s selection is the incredibly silly Black Betty, the Bambu-lamb by Makerworld contributor Halfway_Engineered.
Design of the Week: Alyx Bike
This week’s selection is the Alyx bicycle by FUTUREWAVE.
Design of the Week: The Great Calibrator V3
This week’s selection is the The Great Calibrator V3 by mechanical engineer Claudio Girolami.
Design of the Week: Ravioli Roller and Stamp
This week’s selection is the Ravioli Roller and Stamp by Printables contributor Daniel Black.
Design of the Week: Radiolarian Print
This week’s selection is the Radiolarian print by Nervous System.
Design of the Week: Propulsive Landing Rocket
This week’s selection is the Propulsive Landing Rocket by JRD Propulsion.
Design of the Week: Nano-sized Benchy
This week’s selection is the Textured Benchy by Andrea Bertoncini.
Design of the Week: Parametric Hose Connector
This week’s selection is the Parametric Hose Connector generator by MakerWorld contributor ostat.
Design of the Week: Plant Pot with Hidden Box
This week’s selection is the Plant Pot with Hidden Box by Factorian Designs.
Design of the Week: Overengineered Doorstopper
This week’s selection is the Overengineered Doorstopper by Thingiverse contributor Darth Biomech.
Design of the Week: OpenSCAD Elephant
This week’s selection is the OpenSCAD Elephant by MakerWorld contributor edisadilovic, who is fully blind.
Design of the Week: Ceramic House
This week’s selection is Ceramic House by Studio RAP.
Design of the Week: M3 Bolt Sorter
This week’s selection is the Gridfinity M3 Bolt Sorter by MakerWorld contributor LayerLux3D.
Design of the Week: Neanderthal Woman
This week’s selection is the Neanderthal Woman 3D model by researchers at the University of Cambridge.
Design of the Week: Solder Scroll
This week’s selection is the Solder Scroll by Printables contributor Victor.
Design of the Week: V-Spooler
This week’s selection is the V-Spooler by MakerWorld contributor Fyrby Additive.
Design of the Week: Easter Chocolate Egg
This week’s selection is the Easter Chocolate Egg by industrial designer Marta Ribera Bellmunt.
Design of the Week: Macintosh Studio
This week’s selection is the Macintosh Studio by Mini product designer Scott Yu-Jan.
Design of the Week: Abstract Hedge
This week’s selection is the Abstract Hedge wall sculpture by Darya Aulaska of Extrudix.
Design of the Week: Tiny A1 Mini and AMS Lite Kit Card
This week’s selection is the Tiny A1 Mini and AMS Lite Kit Card by MakerWorld contributor jaayjeee.
Design of the Week: Calilantern
This week’s selection is the Calilantern by Vector 3D.
Design of the Week: Sanding Blocks
This week’s selection is the Sanding Blocks collection by Printables contributor Jan Štech.
Design of the Week: Apple Vision Pro Stand
This week’s selection is the Apple Vision Pro Stand by Christian Selig.
Design of the Week: Croc Toes
This week’s selection are the Croc Toes by Cults contributor HBRDL.
Design of the Week: Planet Mars Tactile Model
This week’s selection is the Planet Mars Tactile Model by the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia.
Design of the Week: Knife Sharpener
This week’s selection is the Knife Sharpener by Printables contributor firstgizmo.
Design of the Week: 3D Printed Flying Car
This week’s selection is the 3D Printed Flying Car by Alan Zhang.
Design of the Week: Gyro 7 Printable Jointed Cat
This week’s selection is the Gyro 7 Printable Jointed Cat by Printables contributor Neybao.
Design of the Week: Life Size Triceratops Skull
This week’s selection is the massive Triceratops Skull by Prusa Research.
Design of the Week: Hìtëkw, a 3D Printed Metal Tennis Racket
This week’s selection is Hìtëkw, a 3D Printed Metal Tennis Racket by All Design Lab and Protolabs.
Design of the Week: 2024 Shutter Shades
This week’s selection is the 2024 Shutter Shades by Printables contributor Teque5.
Design of the Week: Geared Christmas Tree Spiral
This week’s selection is the Geared Christmas Tree Spiral by Cults contributor ENJOYREVIT.
Design of the Week: Floating Buoy Keychain
This week’s selection is the Floating Buoy Keychain by MakerWorld contributor spookycromch.
Design of the Week: Sea Urchin Hat
This week’s selection is the Sea Urchin Hat concept.
Design of the Week: Slide Glide Cyclides
This week’s selection is the Slide Glide Cyclides by mathematician Henry Segerman.
Design of the Week: Hazmat Collection
This week’s selection is the hazmat collection by SutoSuto.
Design of the Week: Sound Absorbing Facade
This week’s selection is the Sound Absorbing Facade by David Fluß of TU Darmstadt.
Design of the Week: LIfe Size Body Print
This week’s selection is the amazing life size body print made by Matty Benedetto.
Design of the Week: Toothbrush Holder Insert
This week’s selection is the Toothbrush Holder Insert by Printables contributor DireLlama.
Design of the Week: Reaction Jewelry Collection
This week’s selection is the Reaction Jewelry collection from Nervous System.
Design of the Week: “G” Award Trophy
This week’s selection is the G Award, produced on HP 3D printing equipment.
Design of the Week: Experimental Disney Robot
This week’s selection is the adorable prototype robot developed by Disney Research.
Design of the Week: ECO Lamp
This week’s selection is the ECO Lamp by COLORISED and GREENFILL3D.
Design of the Week: Wheelchair Defense Spikes
This week’s selection are the Wheelchair Defense Spikes by maker Ryan Beal.
Design of the Week: Fastest Drone in the World
This week’s selection is the Fastest Drone in the World by Luke Maximo Bell.
Design of the Week: Filament Shelf Brackets
This week’s selection are the Filament Shelf Brackets by freelance 3D designer Nick Meyer.
Design of the Week: Bonnie Prince Charlie
This week’s selection is a lifelike recreation of Bonnie Prince Charlie.
Design of the Week: MiniSander
This week’s selection is the MiniSander by Instructables contributor Modelskitsdeluxe.
Design of the Week: 3D Printed Airless Bicycle Tire
This week’s selection is the 3D Airless Bicycle Tire by designer Brendan Carberry.
Design of the Week: Filament Winder
This week’s selection is the Filament umspulen by Thingiverse contributor Georg Wittschier
Design of the Week: Foldable Hanger
This week’s selection is the Foldable Hanger by Printables contributor wuguigui.
Design of the Week: Robot Gripper
This week’s selection is the electronics-free robot gripper by researchers at the University of California San Diego.
Design of the Week: 3D Printed Concept Slide
This week’s selection is the “ROOTS” concept slide by Kitty Shukman.
Design of the Week: Bowden Tube Cap
This week’s selection is the Bowden Tube Cap by Printables contributor WaltzingKea.
Design of the Week: Zaisanamynodon Fossil
This week’s selection is the Zaisanamynodon fossil print by the Western Science Center.
Design of the Week: Pepper Mill Funnel
This week’s selection is the Pepper Mill Funnel by Maxime Hoste.
Design of the Week: OceanGate Titan Submersive
This week’s selection is the OceanGate Titan Submersive by designer Tobi Takenn.
Design of the Week: Print-in-Place Vise Grips
This week’s selection are the 3D printed Vise Grips by Adam Cook.
Design of the Week: 3D Printable Pirate Ship
This week’s selection is the Fully 3D Printable Pirate Ship by Conner Sinewe.
Design of the Week: Divje Babe Bone Flute
This week’s selection is the detailed reconstruction of the Divje Babe Bone Flute by Matt Gilbert.
Design of the Week: Pool Noodle Sword Handle
This week’s selection is the Pool Noodle Sword Handle by Martin Kozak.
Design of the Week: Palm Ratchet Knob
This week’s selection is the Palm Ratchet Knob by Printables contributor Shiura.
Design of the Week: Cute Tardigrade
This week’s selection is the cute Tardigrade 3D model by designer Matt Meyer of MatMire Makes.
Design of the Week: Print-in-Place Box
This week’s selection is the Print-in-Place Box by Printables contributor andyroo770.
Design of the Week: Stone of Destiny
This week’s selection is the Stone of Destiny by Historical Environment Scotland.
Design of the Week: RoyBot, a Robot Painter
This week’s selection is the amazing RoyBot robot painter by YouTuber Nerdtronic.
Design of the Week: Crayola Marker Lid System
This week’s selection is the Crayola Marker Lid System by Thingiverse contributor Chris Prendergast.
Design of the Week: Star Trek Enterprise Observation Lounge
This week’s selection is the Star Trek: The Next Generation Enterprise Observation Lounge by Alan Young.
Design of the Week: Seed Starter Pot
This week’s selection is the 3D printable Seed Starter Pot by Printables contributor LaForest Labs.
Design of the Week: Ringmail System
This week’s selection is the fascinating Ringmail system by Printables contributor Triple G Workshop.
Design of the Week: 3D Printed Lathe
This week’s selection is the 3D Printed Lathe by Thingiverse contributor MELKANO.
Design of the Week: Morton’s Rolling Knot
This week’s selection is the fascinating Morton’s Rolling Knot by Canadian DIY designer DaveMakesStuff.
Design of the Week: Dual Portal Desk Toy
This week’s selection is the Dual Portal Desk Toy by Printables contributor Ada Cohen.
Design of the Week: Embedded Rubber Band
This week’s selection is the shocking Rubber Band Mid Print Bracelet by Printables contributor NagyBig.
Design of the Week: 3D Printed Braiding Machine
This week’s selection is the Braiding Machine by Printables contributor “Jack”.
Design of the Week: 3D Printed Garden Tractor
This week’s selection is the incredible 3D printed garden tractor by Reddit contributor “FeckMeGently”.
Design of the Week: 3D Printed Electric Guitar Kit
This week’s selection is the Cateran 3D Printed Electric Guitar Kit by Filatone Instrument Co.