Exploring Thingiverse With ThingstAR

By on May 27th, 2021 in news, Software

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Exploring Thingiverse With ThingstAR
AR display of a Thingiverse 3D model with ThingstAR [Source: Apple]

A new iPad app hopes to solve the dilemma of Thingiverse access.

Anyone involved in 3D printing will surely know all about Thingiverse, the first and biggest dedicated online repository for printable 3D models. Currently the site is closing in on their five millionth entry, making the quantity of 3D models unsurpassed in the industry.

However, all is not roses with Thingiverse. The sheer quantity of 3D models has exacerbated the siteā€™s search function.

Because Thingiverse search is based on text matching, itā€™s nearly always problematic to find a specific item. You either donā€™t find what youā€™re looking for, or find an overly large number of similar items and wonder whether your target is somewhere in the mix.

Because of such problems, and MakerBotā€™s relatively slow progression on major site improvements, some have taken things upon themselves to rectify the issues.

Iā€™ve seen Google Chrome plugins to modify the Thingiverse page displays, for example. Thingiverse++ makes access a bit easier.

But now another angle on Thingiverse access has crossed my path: ThingstAR.

The odd capitalization on the productā€™s name reveals one of its key functions: Augmented Reality.

ThingstAR is an iPad app that accesses Thingiverse in a more interesting manner. In search, for example, you can limit the search by time window, meaning itā€™s possible to chop out older 3D models that pollute the search results.

Here you can see how an individual entry is displayed, which is much more friendly than the standard Thingiverse page:

Displaying a Thingiverse entry with ThingstAR [Source: Apple]

Searching appears cleaner as well:

Searching Thingiverse with ThingstAR [Source: Apple]

ThingstAR allows you to load up a 3D model and view it in 3D at the touch of your fingers. While this is not a unique feature, ThingstAR allows you to change the color of the 3D model, as well as resize it.

These features are important for the AR feature, which permits the user to virtually place the object in a real-life scene as captured through the iPadā€™s camera. The 3D model can be manipulated easily to show how it might appear if actually 3D printed and placed in the scene.

Itā€™s possible to snap an image of the AR scene, which may be useful in some situations. These can be shared among your contacts.

ThingstAR is not a free app, but costs a modest amount, US$4.99.

One important note: ThingstAR is not compatible with many iPad models. Due to the AR feature, it requires one of the more recent models that includes the LIDAR hardware. That cuts out non-LIDAR models, which are the majority of iPad models out in the world today.

Very strangely, the app is not available in iPhone form, where it could presumably be used in recent models also equipped with LIDAR hardware. It seems that the app developers have not yet produced an iPhone version.

Perhaps weā€™ll see an iPhone version in the future, but for now, those with recent iPad Pro models might want to check out ThingstAR.

Meanwhile, Iā€™m hoping the arrival of ā€œThingiverse Modsā€ like Thingiverse++ and now ThingstAR will coax MakerBot into revamping the Thingiverse interface with more powerful and easy-to-use features.

Via Apple Store (Hat tip to Benjamin)

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!

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