Expo 2020: Better Late Than Never

By on April 21st, 2021 in Design

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Expo 2020: Better Late Than Never
[Source: bloloop.com]

Charles Goulding Jr. takes a look at some of the spectacle, including 3D printed and high-tech, at the upcoming Expo 2020.

Back on Track

The Olympics arenā€™t the only world event to be delayed a year. Expo 2020, a six-month event originally scheduled for 2020, is now set to extend from October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

The event will be hosted by Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Despite lingering restrictions and complications from Covid-19, Dubai expects the same amount of visitors as it did pre-pandemic ā€” 25 million.

Excitement Building

Americans may be more familiar with the term Worldā€™s Fair to describe the occasion. But in other parts of the world, the once-every-five-year event is termed an Exposition or Expo.

Expos are showcases of architecture and technology organized by pavilion. Almost two hundred countries will operate pavilions in Expo 2020.

Some additional facts via the BBC:

  • The event is expected to boost Dubai’s economy by $33bn (Ā£24bn) and to create up to 300,000 jobs
  • The site covers 4.3sq km, or 613 football pitches, and will have its own metro station
  • Uber will be testing flying cars during the event
  • Some 90% of the materials used to in construction will then be used to create permanent buildings afterwards

Terra Nova

There are thematic pavilions in addition to nation-themed showcases. This year, the highlight figures to be ā€œTerra,ā€ the sustainability pavilion that is the Expoā€™s centerpiece. Terra features ā€œEnergy Treeā€ structures fitted with solar panels that will be used to power the entire event (see image above).

The sustainability pavilion also features an immersive, ā€œWood Wide Web.ā€ Patrons will walk among a forest before digging into a root structure where they learn about how trees talk to one another, share resources, and even collaborate to fight common foes. As the experience proceeds, guests learn about the interrelationships between themselves and the trees within the very pavilion.

ā€œWhat we have built down there is a subterranean soap opera. We want everyone to come out of this place saying: ā€˜Wow: I had no idea I had so much in common with a treeā€™,ā€ said John Bull, Terraā€™s Director.

[Source: bloloop.com]

3D Printing at the Expo

3D printing will also take center stage at the Expo, specifically within the Italy pavilion. At this very moment, the worldā€™s most accurate reproduction of Michelangeloā€™s David is being 3D printed for display at the event. Ahead of viewing the 17-foot-tall statue itself, patrons can view time-elapsed documentation of the statueā€™s creation.

[Source: whatson.ae]

Itā€™s unsurprising to see a 3D printing feature at Dubaiā€™s Expo. Recently the Emirates introduced its first 3D printed house. The structure was the latest in a nationwide effort to become the worldā€™s 3D printing capital.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, laid out the strategy in 2016. The approach includes an ambitious goal to 3D print 25% of all new construction within the Emirate by 2025.

Fingers Crossed

Dubai views the Expo as crucial to its economic rejuvenation efforts. As the Emirate moves rapidly to get the pandemic under control within its borders, visitors across the world wait to see if indeed the event will be safe to attend. If so, the sustainability and 3D printing attractions will be fascinating to see.

By Charles Goulding Jr.

Charles Goulding Jr is a practicing attorney with experience in R&D tax credit projects for a host of industries.

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