This week’s selection is the 3D Printed Electromechanical 7-Segment Display by Instructables contributor tin-foil-hat.
Book of the Week: Practical Arduino Engineering
This week’s selection is “Practical Arduino Engineering: End to End Development with the Arduino, Fusion 360, 3D Printing, and Eagle” by Harold Timmis.
Book of the Week: More Intermediate Arduino and 3D Print Model Railroad Projects
This week’s selection is “More Intermediate Arduino and 3D Print Model Railroad Projects” by Paul and David Bradt.
Design of the Week: Arduino Tracked Car
This week’s selection is the 3D printed Arduino Tracked Car by Instructables contributor Morrisl4.
Arduino Launches IoT Cloud Service
Arduino has launched its IoT Cloud, designed from the ground up as a low-code approach that allows users to collect, graph and analyze their projects’ sensor data.
What’s In E3D-Online’s Mystery Boxes?
E3D-Online produces some of the highest-quality 3D printer components used in the industry, and now you can obtain a batch of them at very low cost.
Book of the Week: Hacking Electronics
Considering a 3D print project requiring electronics? This book shows how to hack Arduinos, resistors, capacitors and other bits to sense, move and light up a project.
The Materia 3D Printer
Embedded computer board manufacturer Arduino announced a partnership with Sharebot to produce the Materia 101, a personal 3D printer.