This week’s selection is “3D Concrete Printing Technology” by Jay G. Sanjayan, Ali Nazari and Behzad Nematollahi.
Smart Construction Parts Possible With Continuous Carbon Fiber 3D Printing
Anisoprint and one of their clients have developed a very unusual method of making self-sensing construction parts using 3D printed continuous carbon fiber.
A New Perspective On Construction 3D Printing With Local Materials
Researchers are exploring ways to use local soils and materials for 3D printed buildings, but it seems to be quite complex.
A 9-Axis Concrete 3D Printer That Can Do Amazing Things
Twente Additive Manufacturing has developed a robotic-style concrete 3D printer that is capable of amazing detail and even overhangs.
Interesting Updates From COBOD
COBOD’s BOD2 construction 3D printer seems to be catching on as the company has made multiple sales of the new device.
What Does An Actual Construction Worker Think of Construction 3D Printing?
With all the attention being given to construction 3D printers, we thought it wise to see what an actual construction worker thinks of the technology.
Book of the Week: 3D Printing of Concrete
This week’s selection is “3D Printing of Concrete: State of the Art and Challenges of the Digital Construction Revolution” by Arnaud Perrot.
Five Unending Myths About 3D Printing
There are five myths about 3D printing that just won’t go away. We list and explain all of them.
24 Hour 3D Printed Housing: This Has To Stop
Mass media continues to be fooled by the fake news of “3D printed homes in 24 hours”. We vent our thoughts on this ongoing debacle.
Large Object Printers Bring Visibility to 3D Printing
Charles Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi of R&D Tax Savers review the applications of large-scale construction 3D printing.
3D Printing in Construction: More than Overhyped Promises and Underwhelming Deliveries?
The number one material used in the global construction industry is concrete, but how is it being used with recent construction 3D printing ventures?
More Details on The COBOD 2 Construction 3D Printer
We just learned a lot more about the COBOD BOD2, the world’s largest construction 3D printer.
Where Is Autodesk’s 3D Printing Assessment Tool?
Autodesk provides a self-assessment tool for the construction industry; should they also provide one for 3D printing?
Space Startup Offering Earth-Based 3D Printed Housing Experience
Want to stay in a space habitat? One 3D printed space habitat is being offered to the public for short stays, but it’s located on Earth.
Another “World’s First” 3D Printed Bridge
Royal HaskoningDHV, DSM, and CEAD have unveiled an interesting 3D printed bridge project that encompasses several aspects of Industry 4.0.
XtreeE: One of Many Construction 3D Printing Consultants To Come
Why do construction 3D printing? It seems that there is a big need for consultants to help architects, builders and others discover concrete 3D printing.
CyBe’s Construction 3D Printers Are Mobile
Is it possible to 3D print walls and entire buildings with 3D printers? The concrete part can indeed be 3D printed with equipment from companies like CyBe.
How To Intelligently Reinforce Concrete 3D Prints
Could concrete ever be 3D printed in complex ways? This may come true according to research on how to reinforce extruded concrete for construction.
Book of the Week: 3D Printing of Concrete
Where will concrete 3D printing lead? Will the construction industry undergo a revolution from computer controlled concrete extrusion? What will buildings look like?
Book of the Week: Automated Construction Safety
Do construction 3D printers offer any type of safety program? What might form a proper safety regime for construction 3D printing?
A Concrete Example: How 3D Printing Can Create Housing and Infrastructure
Charles Goulding and Liam Nixon of R&D Tax Savers examine concrete 3D printing.
Polymaker’s New 3D Printing Materials
Polymaker announced a series of new materials, and offered some dramatic demonstrations of their capabilities.
Autodesk’s Stock Price Takes A Hit
Autodesk’s stock dropped 10% after their first quarter results were made public.
NASA’s Final 3D Printed Habitat Winners Announced
NASA’s four-year 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge has announced its top prizes.
A Stone 3D Printing Option
I’m looking at the equipment provided by Concr3de, which can 3D print in stone.
COBOD Begins Distributing BOD2 Construction 3D Printing
While we await livable 3D-printed homes and buildings, the field of additive construction is experiencing steady development.
NASA Announces Finalists for 3D Printed Mars Habitat
NASA announced three finalists for their ongoing “3D-Printed Habitat Challenge”.
ICON Announces Vulcan II Construction 3D Printer
A more sophisticated construction 3D printer has been announced by ICON.
Book of the Week: 3D Concrete Printing Technology
This week’s selection is “3D Concrete Printing Technology: Construction And Building Applications” by Jay G. Sanjayan, Ali Nazari and Behzad Nematollahi
How Does 3D Printing Really Fit Into Residential Construction?
I thought I would do some basic research into residential construction practices to show how 3D printing fits and does not fit.
Building Better Skyscrapers With 3D Printed Molds
A construction project in Brooklyn is leveraging 3D printing the very practical way.
More Thoughts On The Future Of Construction 3D Printing
I’ve been reading more stories about 3D printed construction projects, and have realized something fundamental.
3D Printing to Shape the Skyline
A recent use case of 3D printing in construction shows a nice use of technology in raising a skyscraper.
The Time Is Now For Construction 3D Printers
After several years of experimental construction 3D printing projects, it may be the time for things to get real.
Autodesk’s Recent Large Construction Software Acquisitions and 3D Printing
Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi look at 3D printing as related to Autodesk’s acquisitions in construction software.
Will 3D Printing Help Find All the Female Architects?
Charles Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi explore the potential impact of 3D printing on retaining women in the architecture business.
S-Squared’s Large Construction 3D Printer
Today we’re looking at yet another new construction 3D printer, this time from S-Squared.
Autodesk Deepens Reach Into Construction
3D software giant Autodesk made an acquisition of a construction-related company.
Is 3D Knitting 3D Printing?
I’m seeing an increasing number of media stories talking about 3D knitting.
Autodesk Exploring 3D Printed Construction?
Well, this is interesting: Autodesk is experimenting with 3D printed construction.
Look Before You Leap Into Construction 3D Printer Investment
Recently there has been a spate of investment in construction 3D printer manufacturers, but is this wise?
A New Angle for Construction 3D Printing?
I’m reading a press release about another investment in a construction 3D printing company and had a thought.
3D Printing at Dutch Design Week 2018
Dutch Design Week is in full swing, and Fabbaloo friend Rob Blaauboer shares a look at 3D printing at this year’s event.
US$9M For 3D Printed Construction Firm
ICON, an Austin, TX-based startup, has just raised a US$9M investment round.
Paradigm Change in Construction 3D Printing?
New research from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore may signal a shift in how construction 3D printing is done.
New 3D Printing Application: Architectural Restoration
I’m reading an interesting case study about an application for 3D printing I’d not seen before: architectural restoration.
A New Construction 3D Printing Company: COBOD International
3D Printhuset announced the creation of a new construction 3D printing company, COBOD International.
Crane WASP: The Infinite 3D Printer?
The WASP Project is set to announce a large-scale construction printer.
Cazza No More?
It appears that construction 3D printer manufacturer Cazza may have disappeared.
What Construction 3D Printing Must Do Next
After reading yet another wildly exaggerated story about 3D construction printing, I thought I’d make a list of things to do.
NASA Awards FIve Teams in the 3D Printed Habitat Challenge
NASA’s 3D printed challenge awarded prizes for phase 3.
Finally: Functional Generative Design for 3D Printed Buildings, Almost
I’m reading a fascinating report by Joel Simon on his work to “generate” the design of a school.
Branch Technology Creates “Largest 3D-Printed Structure”
(Image courtesy of Branch Technology.)Branch Technology has erected what it claims is the world’s largest 3D-printed structure for Nashville, Tenn.’s OneC1TY neighborhood. Unveiled at the 2018 International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures this week, the structure strands at 20 feet tall and stretches 42 feet wide. Chattanooga, Tenn.-based firm is known for its unique… Continue reading Branch Technology Creates “Largest 3D-Printed Structure”
3D Construction Printer Chosen
We’re advised that a Belgian organization has selected a large scale 3D construction printer from 3D Printhuset.
Someone Moves into a 3D Printed Home: Is This Really The Future?
News last week that a family is moving into a 3D printed home got me thinking.
A Look at Apis Cor’s 3D Construction Printer
Apis Cor says they are the first company to produce a mobile construction 3D printer, and they may in fact be right.
This 3D Printed House Could Change the Developing World
If you thought 3D printing an entire jet engine was a ambitious task, you aren’t thinking big enough… at least as far as size is concerned.
Volvo CE 3D Prints Spare Parts for Construction Equipment
Large construction companies like Caterpillar have learned that additive manufacturing (AM) provides a unique opportunity
The Rise of Specialized 3D Print Exhibitions
I’m fascinated with the evolution of how 3D printing technology is presented to the public.
A Conference on 3D Printed Construction: Too Early?
We’ve learned of a new conference focused on 3D construction printing, but I’m wondering whether it’s too early for such an event.
3D Printed Construction Milestone Achieved
Netherlands company Heijmans partnered with CyBe Construction to produce prototype concrete formworks. Apparently, they were successful.
Construction Steelwork Makes its 3D Printing Premiere
Using the latest 3D printing techniques, or more accurately, ‘additive manufacturing’ – the Arup team has produced a design method for critical structural steel elements for use in complex projects.