3D Printing and AR Contact Lenses

Charles R. Goulding and Julia Wallace look at the use of 3D pritning to produce contact lenses, including advanced experimental lenses for augmented reality applications.

Protos 3D Printed Eyewear

Startup Protos is offering the opportunity to purchase 3D printed eyeglass frames. The obvious benefit is that the frames are precisely fit to your measurements, as shown in the image above.    The frames are said to be 3D printed with a “proprietary material is lighter than titanium and more flexible than commonly used acetate… Continue reading Protos 3D Printed Eyewear

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3D Printed Optics

  We were contacted by Karl D. D. WIllis of the Disney Research Institute, who wished to show us the work they’ve been doing on 3D printing optical mechanisms.    This past June we speculated on the importance of clear materials, but we had no idea how far along researchers have taken the concept. The… Continue reading 3D Printed Optics

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