The “Open Source Universal 3D Printer Extruder” is designed to be compatible with MakerBot’s StepStruder MK7, which currently retails in kit form for USD$199. MakerBot’s StepStruder is capable of being installed in pairs to enable “DualStrusion” of two different materials. QU-BD’s extruder can apparently do the same, but at a much lower cost, even when you add in the required NEMA 17 stepper motor to a USD$49 price point. For USD$129 you can even get two fully assembled units.
Their goal was to raise a mere USD$5,000, which they have already blown past as of this writing. It seems that there may be a lot of MakerBot owners who haven’t upgraded to the StepStruder yet or perhaps the backers are RepRap operators looking for a new extruder.
One more thing: we thought the name “QU-BD” seemed a bit awkward until we understood how it’s pronounced: “Cubed”.
Via QU-BD and KickStarter