“Mad Max: Furiosa” Ignites Fans and 3D Printing

Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi discuss how the release of “Furiosa,” the latest installment in the Mad Max saga, is set to revolutionize fan creations through the extensive use of 3D printing technology.

A 3D Printed Movie Character Collection

At this year’s 3D Printshow we were excited to visit the large display of 3D prints by Legacy Effects. If you don’t know about Legacy Effects, they are one of the premier special effects shops in Hollywood, and have produced numerous famous characters for motion pictures you’ve no doubt seen.    While much of Legacy… Continue reading A 3D Printed Movie Character Collection

007’s 3D Printed Cars

Not one, but three 3D printed cars were created for secret agent 007 James Bond for his recent film, Skyfall. No, they weren’t full size, but instead were one third of original size.    The three Aston Martin DB5’s were used for used rather destructively in the film to avoid the expense (and tragedy) of… Continue reading 007’s 3D Printed Cars

Weta’s 3D Printed Hobbit Stuff

We’ve just reviewed a report on film studio Weta’s use of 3D printing technology. Weta is the studio responsible for the upcoming movie, “The Hobbit”, as well as the massively successful Lord of the Rings series.    What are they printing? According to the report, they’re making various custom props for The Hobbit, including “helmets,… Continue reading Weta’s 3D Printed Hobbit Stuff

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