What is the correct term for 3D printing of concrete?
Seven Things to Know About High Speed 3D Printing
You’ve heard about “high speed 3D printing”, but what are the things you need to know about it?
Terminology Turmoil: FDM, FFF, MEX, and the Quest for Accuracy
The plot thickens regarding the use of “FFF”.
FDM or FFF: What’s the Right Term for 3D Printing?
Another day, another misuse of the term “FDM”.
What’s the difference between “FDM” and “FFF” anyway?
The Quagmire That Is 3D Printer Filament Eco Terminology
Another eco-friendly 3D printer filament? Hold on, there is a lot more to the story.
Using Correct Additive Manufacturing Terminology
Are we using the right words when referring to our favorite technology?
3D Printing Disappearing Into Specialized Firms
The use of “3D Printing” is beginning to fade, at least with respect to application-focused 3D print services. As for the rest, we’ll find out what happens.
A Collision of 3D Printing Terminology?
A company terms their process as “volumetric” 3D printing, but is it really so?
PSA: It’s FFF, Not FDM (Mostly)
Do you know the difference between the terms “FDM” and “FFF”? From what I read, it seems a large number of people are not aware of their true meaning.
Analysis: Is It “3D Printing” or “Additive Manufacturing”?
What’s the right terminology, 3D Printing or Additive Manufacturing? We investigate this issue using Science.
Are Your Parts ADfAM?
What kind of parts are in your digital inventory? Are they ADfAM? We propose a new class of 3D printable parts.
A Quick Guide to 3D Printing Technology
3D printing can be used to make amazing sculptures and innovative technology — but do you know how a 3D printer actually works? A good understanding of the manufacturing process will make it easier to design your own creations.
Should SLS Instead Be PLS?
An interesting thought: is the term “SLS” wrong?
The Terminology of Technology
3D printing / additive manufacturing / rapid prototyping — what’s the difference?
What’s Winning? “3D Printing” or “Additive Manufacturing”?
In our technology space there seems to be two terms commonly used: “3D Printing” or “Additive Manufacturing”. Which one is correct?
The Difference Between 3D Fabrication and 3D Construction
With several larger 3D printing experiments taking place, it’s now becoming clear there are two distinct styles of 3D printing: Fabrication and Construction.