This week’s selection is the Bicha de Balazote 3D scan by Printables contributor mzedp.
Design of the Week: Vincent Van Gogh Portrait
This week’s selection is the Vincent Van Gogh portrait by Luke Taylor of Polymaker.
Design of the Week: Bonnie Prince Charlie
This week’s selection is a lifelike recreation of Bonnie Prince Charlie.
Can You 3D Scan Through Glass? Apparently You Can!
A fascinating experiment at the Historical Museum of the City of San Francisco in Argentina showed it’s possible to obtain high quality 3D scans through glass.
Design of the Week: 1890 Granary Print
This week’s selection is the amazingly detailed 1890 Granary Print by scanning expert Patrick Letourneau.
Restoring Porcelain Artifacts Using 3D Printing
Researchers at Fraunhofer IKTS have developed a method for restoring broken porcelain items.
Fixing Decades-Old Spelling Mistakes With 3D Scanning And 3D Printing
An interesting application of several 3D technologies took place in London recently.
Need A Prehistoric 3D Model? Try African Fossils
There’s plenty of printable 3D model repositories these days, but none quite like African Fossils.
When 3D Printed Guns Are Not 3D Printed Guns
I’m reading an article on Hackaday about some folks experimenting with 3D printed gun parts and realized there could be a problem.
Design of the Week: Old Steam Engine
This week’s selection is the Old Steam Engine by Dijon 3D.
Design of the Week: 1988 Time Capsule Print
This week’s selection is a historic time capsule 3D print by James Harrison from 1988!
The State of 3D Scanning 160 Years Ago
Ever wonder when 3D scanning was invented? It seems that a form of 3D scan, called Photosculpture, was developed in the 1800s by a French artist.
A Different Way To Learn About Ancient Egypt
An interesting experiment at Howard University demonstrated a different way to learn about ancient Egypt.
The Terminology of Technology
3D printing / additive manufacturing / rapid prototyping — what’s the difference?
When 3D Printing a Model Doesn’t Make Sense
Sometimes 3D printing simply doesn’t make sense.
ISIS-Destroyed Artifacts Begin To Digitally Resurrect
A project to digitally recover ancient artifacts destroyed by ISIS fanatics has begun to bear fruit.
Threeding Uses Handheld 3D Scanners to Create 3D Prints of Antiquities, a rapidly expanding 3D printing community and marketplace, recently joined forces with Artec 3D
3D Scans of Lost Michelangelo Statues to Help in Their Preservation
Faculty from the Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) and the Warwick Medical School at the University of Warwick in the UK are working in collaboration with art historians from the University of Cambridge.
The Stone Age Meets The 3D Printing Age
In a remarkable collaboration between Stratasys, Artists and Archaeologists, stone hand axe replicas were equipped with ergonomic handles.
New 3D Print Service Focuses On Fossils
PaleoPrint, fledgling 3D print service, hopes to capture the market for 3D printed fossils.
Design of the Week: 6th Century Sword
This week’s selection is Nils Anderssen’s incredible sword from Snartemo replica.
Incredible 3D Scans from The Lincoln For 3D Printing
A museum in Lincolnshire, UK, has made available highly detailed 3D scans of many of their works.
Extinct Avian Restored by 3D Scanning
The Dodo Bird is definitely extinct, but only in reality. It’s alive and well in the 3D world.
Restoring 19th Century Musical Instruments with 3D Printing
An incredible research project at the UConn has managed to bring several 19th century musical instruments back to life.
Historic Golf Clubs Brought Back to Life Via 3D Printing
As some of the world’s top golfers prepare to descend upon Scotland for the 2014 Ryder Cup, researchers from the University of Dundee are celebrating the game’s history with the use of the latest technology.
University of Connecticut Makes 3D Scanning Breakthrough
Researchers at UConn have developed a new technique for 3D scanning antique musical instruments.
On the 4th of July, 3D Print Your Own Ellis Island Custom House
When there’s an important date, people like to celebrate. In the USA on this July 4th artist Don Foley is celebrating by giving away an incredible multi-part 3D model.
Design of the Week: Armillary Sphere
This week’s selection is the amazing Armillary Sphere by Don Foley.
3D Printed Handles for Stone Age Tools
In the most absolute and ultimate technology contrast possible, researchers have 3D printed handles for primitive flint-knapped hand axes.
Five Years Ago In 3D Printing
We’ve been writing Fabbaloo for quite a few years now. So long that it’s time to take a look back to examine the prehistoric world of 3D printing of five years ago.
New Ways to Resurrect Dinosaurs with 3D Printing
A paper published in the journal Radiology explores new techniques used to capture 3D information from dinosaur fossils. The new approach overcomes the problem of removing non-fossil material from the actual fossil during excavation and subsequent processing. Apparently when surrounding material is removed, small portions of the true fossil can be lost. The new… Continue reading New Ways to Resurrect Dinosaurs with 3D Printing
Cosmo’s Patina Kit
During 3D Printshow 2013 we spent some time with Cosmo Wenman, the fellow who has captured 3D scans of numerous famous sculptures over the past year. But it’s what he does with the scans afterwards that is so much more interesting. Wenman 3D prints the sculptures on his aging yet still reliable MakerBot Replicator… Continue reading Cosmo’s Patina Kit
We Found a 3D Zinjanthropus!
There are a great many exhibits among the booths at this year’s 3D Printshow in London, but one caught our eye. In spite of perhaps the least adorned booth in the entire hall, African Fossils provides something we’ve been seeking for quite some time: 3D models of our ancient ancestors. We’ve searched high and… Continue reading We Found a 3D Zinjanthropus!
Three Dead 3D Printers
With numerous inexpensive 3D printers continually emerging, many won’t survive. But the latest wave of failures is not the first. Indeed, several bold attempts at creating revolutionary 3D printers came and went before the days of crowd funding. Today we’ll remember three notable 3D printers of the past. Desktop Factory was the original commercial personal… Continue reading Three Dead 3D Printers
Rome, Digitized
Rome Reborn is a breathtaking project at the University of Virginia in which historians and 3D modelers are attempting the impossible: build a highly detailed, massively comprehensive 3D model of the city of Ancient Rome. It’s not just a single model, either. They’re intending on building several models representing the state of the Eternal City… Continue reading Rome, Digitized
3D Collaboration Puts 700 Year Old Monolith In Your Hands
We’ve all seen the enigmatic Easter Island monoliths called Moai, erected for mysterious purposes by long departed pacific islanders some 700ish years ago, and we find them quite intriguing. They were also very interesting to Mark Ganter of Open3DP, who wanted to 3D print one. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a readily available dataset containing a 3D… Continue reading 3D Collaboration Puts 700 Year Old Monolith In Your Hands