There’s a similar standard for space satellites: CubeSat. It’s a one-liter 10 x 10 x 10 cm cube that can weigh no more than 1.33Kg. CubeSats are typically used by academics to prepare scientific payloads for use in space. Launch vehicles are able to accommodate the CubeSats because they all have the same physical standards.
Now we see a team has developed a CubeSat using 3D printing. A team including people from Project Starshine, Planetary Systems Corporation, The University of Arkansas, Colorado Satellite Services, Morehead State University, Montana State University, Air Force Research Laboratory/Space Vehicles Directorate, CRP USA, LLC;, Analytical Graphics, Inc., United States Air Force, Universal Space Network and Space Dynamics Laboratory CRP built a 2U (two units) CubeSat to investigate the inner Van Allen radiation belt. Their satellite, called “RAMPART” (RApid prototyped Mems Propulsion And Radiation Test CUBEflow SATellite) measures particle flux and other dangerous stuff high in the sky.

This shows the potential for 3D printing when different materials are specifically designed for a unique purpose. One can imagine this and other powerful materials available for use by 3D printers, enabling a much wider set of possible printable objects.
Via Additive3D and WindForm