Today, April 2nd, is a much more sensible day.
Yesterday our publication, along with many others, did the annual April Fool’s day event in which we might have slightly pushed the envelope on truth. We weren’t the only ones doing so, and I thought readers would appreciate seeing some of the better puns from the world of 3D printing.
In case you missed ours, here’s some quick links:
The Real Driving Force Behind 3D Print Pantone Matching: Where we reveal that Baby Yoda was actually behind recent moves in 3D print color-matching technology.
Sir Patrick Stewart Joins Fabbaloo: Where we revealed our new Chief Creative Officer, but not really. We were unable to contact SirPatStew for this one-time opportunity.
3DPN Acquires 3DPMN And 3DPBM; New Entity To Be Known As 3DPNMNBM: Where we “discovered” an upcoming 3D print media merger with a naming twist. Yes, Joel participated, and his quote is quite real.
The 3D Printing Industry Consolidates — Completely: Where we took the recent industry trend for corporate consolidations to its ultimate conclusion, perhaps a bit faster than it really will happen.
Finally: Bacon 3D Printer Filament: Where we reveal “researchers” have developed a tasty new filament that everyone secretly desires.
But Fabbaloo was far from alone in the April Fool’s Day miasma. Here’re some of my favorites from around the industry:
Formlabs Releases Debut Album “Sounds Of The Print Farm: Volume 1”: Where Formlabs has capitalized on the otherwise unused sounds emanating from 3D print farms.
Announcing a new addition to our 3D printer lineup! Where Prusa Research described an incredible new “downgrade” 3D printer, the Prusa Mendel i2S. Yes, 3mm filament is “almost 2X better than 1.75mm filament”.
They even made a splashy video of the project:
Printed Solid announced a new 3D printer: the “Puppy Printer”. This also includes the 16-unit “Puppy Mill”.
From the Shapeways Secret Lab: Scientists Successfully 3D Print Designer Dogs: Where Shapeways introduced their own pup-focused 3D printing options. They can now 3D print the “perfect” dog!
They also remind us:
Developing the perfect dog in the pack was certainly no walk in the park, but as Shapeways scientists toiled under shrouded secrecy for years, they constantly reminded themselves of four powerful words:
“Happy April Fool’s Day!”
This year there seemed to be far fewer pranks than usual, perhaps due to pandemic effects. Several outlets announced in advance they would not be publishing April Fool’s material this year.
But we didn’t. We publish a couple dozen stories each week, over 1400 per year. SOME of them have to be funny, and there’s even a special day for them.
Everyone, please have a happy rest of the year.