Let’s take a look at SimplyPrint, which had a very interesting announcement last week.
Desktop 3D Printing at a Crossroads: Will the Market Split Between DIY and Consumer?
I’ve been thinking about this past weekend’s Bambu Lab controversy, and have some thoughts.
Bambu Lab Firmware Update Sparks Controversy and Misinformation
There’s a massive controversy happening around Bambu Lab’s surprise announcement of a firmware change.
Ulendo’s New Software Upgrade Increases Industrial 3D Printing Speeds by 5X
Ulendo announced a new program to massively increase the speed of certain industrial 3D printers.
Prusa Research Releases Firmware Updates for 7-Year-Old 3D Printers
Prusa Research made a seemingly innocent announcement of a firmware upgrade, but there’s a lot more to the story.
Stratasys Rolls Out HighDef Printing Upgrade for SAF 3D Printer Line
Stratasys launched a new 3D printer and at the same time increased the resolution on all their SAF 3D printers.
New Firmware 6.0.0 Introduces Advanced Features for Prusa’s Latest 3D Printers
Prusa Research has released a major update to its 3D printer firmware, version 6.0.0.
Bambu Lab’s Latest Firmware Upgrade for the A1 Mini 3D Printer Tackles Air Printing and More
Bambu Lab announced a firmware upgrade for their A1 Mini 3D printer that include several very advanced features.
Bambu Lab Implements Firmware Safety Measures Amid A1 3D Printer Recall
There’s been a very interesting development in Bambu Lab’s A1 recall process.
Community-Developed X1Plus Firmware Sparks Debate in Bambu Lab 3D Printer Community
Controversy erupts over community-built replacement firmware for Bambu Lab 3D printers.
Prusa Research’s Firmware Experiment: How Did They Achieve Faster Prints?
Prusa Research made their Mini 3D printer run a lot faster, and we gave it a test.
Hardware Meets Software: Ulendo’s Approach to High-Speed 3D Printing
I had an interesting chat with Ulendo this week.
From ‘Junk’ to High-Speed: The Potential Revival of Slower 3D Printers
There’s an interesting implication from the achievement of high speed printing on the Prusa Mini.
Upgrade Alert: Prusa Mini 3D Printer Now Operates at Blazing Print Speeds
Josef Prusa announced they’ve made their Mini 3D printer a whole lot faster.
Essential Features to Look for in High-Speed FFF 3D Printers
There’s an increasing number of “high speed” FFF 3D printers coming onto the market, but what specific features should you be looking for?
Sensors and AI: The Next Frontier in Enhancing 3D Printing Technology
I’ve thinking a lot lately about sensors on 3D printers.
Prusa Research’s MMU3 Now Shipping: Better than the MMU2S?
Prusa Research is now shipping their MMU3 unit, and has provided more details on including interesting upgrades and firmware changes.
Prusa Research Unveils MK4 Input Shaping Firmware
Prusa Research has released their first input shaping firmware.
Revving Up 3D Printing: Zortrax’s High-Speed Upgrade
Zortrax has stepped up to the plate with a high-speed 3D printing upgrade.
Accelerating 3D Printing: How New Firmware is Ushering in a High-Speed Era
Get ready for an avalanche of high speed desktop 3D printers.
Prusa Beefs Up 3D Printer Thermal Management
Prusa Research announced a new beta version of their 3D printer firmware that takes a more sophisticated approach to thermal management.
Speeding Up 3D Printing With Ulendo
We had a chat with Ulendo, developers of an intriguing system to dramatically speed up 3D printing.
AON3D Doubles High Temperature 3D Printing Throughput
AON3D announced a new IDEX feature for their high temperature 3D printers.
Prusa Releases New Firmware, But How Much More Can Be Done?
Prusa Research released version 3.10.0 firmware for their flagship line of 3D printers.
What Is Klipper, And Should You Use It?
Klipper is a very powerful firmware addition to most 3D printers.
Dyndrite Attempts A “Heart Transplant” For 3D Printing
I recently spoke with the folks from Dyndrite, who intend to replace the very heart of 3D printing: the 3D kernel.
Prusa Leaks New Firmware Features; Suggests Future Model Features
Prusa Research issued some news about their new Original Prusa MINI desktop 3D printer, and it leads to some interesting speculation.
Question of the Week: Using Open Filament on the Sindoh DP200 3D Printer?
Own a DP200 and want to print any material? Find out if Sindoh will ever offer a firmware upgrade to allow use of open materials and avoid requiring cartridges.
It’s a New Marlin
A new release of the very popular Marlin firmware has been released.