Charles R. Goulding and Kellen Coleman dive into how the bipartisan Ships for America Act and cutting-edge 3D printing technology could restore U.S. shipbuilding leadership and bolster national security.
War Game Sees Nearly a Dozen Metal Additive Parts Printed for Repair or Replacement
Part of the RIMPAC exercise, Trident Warrior focuses on testing new defense technologies.
3D-Printed Valve Assemblies Now in Production for US Navy Submarines
Fairbanks Morse Defense will produce a 70-lb copper-nickel valve assembly made with additive manufacturing in a fraction of the time compared to sand casting.
BigRep 3D Printers Create Lightweight and Corrosion-Resistant Blade Restraints for Helicopters
BigRep described very intriguing new application for 3D printing: Helicopter Blade Restraints.
Carver Pump partners with IperionX to produce AM parts for the US Navy
The US currently has no domestic capacity to traditionally manufacture the large titanium pump castings, and is therefore turning to AM as the solution.
How Hybrid CNC Metal 3D Printing Could Revolutionize Marine Operations
Marine use of 3D print technology should be booming, but it isn’t, at least not yet.
Gulf Coast Military Shipbuilding and 3D Printing
Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi look at how 3D printing use can be increased by shipyards constructing and refurbishing vessels.
What Is MatterHackers Doing With the US Navy?
MatterHackers announced a highly unusual arrangement with the US Navy.
SPEE3D Achieves 3D Print Naval Milestone
SPEE3D did something very interesting: they 3D printed a metal part on a navy ship.
Heavy Metal – Book Review
Charles R. Goulding reviews a new book on shipbuilding, where 3D printing can take a lead role.
Xerox Metal 3D Printer Installed on USS Essex
Xerox Additive Solutions announced an ElemX metal 3D printer was installed on an active US Navy ship.
SPEE3D Looking At Marine 3D Print Applications
I spoke with SPEE3D’s CEO Byron Kennedy to learn more about the company’s intentions.
US Navy Contract Boosts MatterHackers, Ultimaker
The US Navy awarded a huge contract for 3D printing equipment to MattHackers and Ultimaker.
The Australian Submarine Contract and 3D Printing
Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi look at how 3D printing could play a role in a major submarine deal.
The Stratasys Navy Deal Is Bigger Than It Appears
Stratasys announced a massive US$20M contract to deliver 3D printers to the US Navy.
Expanding Workforce Training for 3D Printing
ss various ways in which companies and organizations are providing opportunities for a current and future workforce to foster and fine-tune their 3D printing skillset.
US Navy All-In On Distributed Manufacturing?
An announcement from 3YOURMIND suggests the US Navy has a very comprehensive plan for a 3D printed future.
Combining Forces In 3D Printing: The US And UK Navies
Charles R. Goulding and Ryan Donley consider two navies’ applications of additive manufacturing.
Xerox Unveils ElemX 3D Printer Installation And Collaboration
The first Xerox metal 3D printer installation is more than a customer sale: it’s the start of a collaboration with the Naval Postgraduate School.
Mobile High-Temperature 3D Printing
There was a time when high-temperature 3D printing was considered an experimental exercise, but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.
The $9.5 Billion Columbia Submarine Contract And 3D Printing
Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi examine the increasing role of additive manufacturing in Navy submarines.
The Brooklyn Navy Yard And 3D Printing
Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi discuss 3D printing activity and opportunity at the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
Kelly Moran: “The Shift In Approaching A Solution’s Manufacture Is Fascinating”
Kelly Moran is a technology leader who recently left her position with Boeing in Europe, where she led the innovation development for metal technology solutions, with Additive Manufacturing as a core focus.
Converting The Boeing Supply Chain To Electric Boat Submarines
Charles Goulding examines the redistribution of aerospace suppliers to submarines, and how they can benefit from industrial 3D printing expertise.
Electric Boat’s Largest New Attack Submarine Can Strike a Balance With 3D Printing
Charles Goulding looks at developments in the submarine construction industry where there may be a big opening for 3D printing.
An Illustration of 3D Printing Progress Challenges from the US Navy
The US Navy is now testing a 3D printed part on one of their carriers, and this shows the enormous hill 3D printing has yet to climb.