We found 249 results for your search.

Additive Manufacturing File Format Allows for Volumetric Specifications

In a recent post on “The End of Polygons,” Aaron Trocola correctly points out that the STL file format is becoming a major barrier to production of objects with high volumetric complexity, such as internal lattices and graded materials – essentially reaching a point where STL files make certain advanced applications difficult or impossible.  … Continue reading Additive Manufacturing File Format Allows for Volumetric Specifications

What Is 3D Printing?

Frequent readers of this publication likely know quite a bit about 3D printing, but there are new readers that could use some more basic information about the technology.

Sensitive, ‘Invisible’ 3D Printed Sensors

Using 3D printing technology, Researchers from the University of Cambridge created electronic fibers 100 times thinner than a human hair, making sensors with massively improved capabilities.

Speculations On 3D Printing In 2030

It’s the start of a new year, and time for predictions. But this time I’m going for broke and predicting not what might happen in 2021, but instead in 2030!