The folks over at Onshape have been cranking out a ton of resource material across all categories.
Selecting 3D Printing As Your College Major?
Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi consider the rising availability and practicality of formal higher education in additive manufacturing.
Design of the Week: Interactive maps for visually impaired
This week’s selection is ”Interactive maps for visually impaired” by physicist Sergei V. Bogdanov.
Essentium Materials Handling Guide Reveals Drying Insights For 3D Printing
Everyone knows 3D printer filament must be dry to function properly, but exactly how is this best done?
Question of the Week: 3D Printing Life-Size Heads
This week’s question delves into the science of producing life-size head sculptures using 3D scanning and 3D printing.
Train For Orthopedic 3D Printing While Elective Surgeries Are Paused
Charles R. Goulding and Adam Friedman explore the idea of training with 3D printing while elective procedures are on hold.
Book of the Week: Project Management for The Unofficial Project Manager
This week’s selection is “Project Management for The Unofficial Project Manager” by Kory Kogon, Suzette Blakemore and James Wood.
Book Of The Week: The Zombie Apocalypse Guide To 3D Printing
This week’s selection is “The Zombie Apocalypse Guide to 3D printing” by Clifford T Smyth.
Book of the Week: Mastering 3D Printing
This week’s selection is “Mastering 3D Printing: A Guide to Modeling, Printing, and Prototyping Paperback” by Joan Horvath and Rich Cameron.
Behold: Pico CAD
Game developer Johan Peitz posted a tweet recently with an animation of a project he’s working on called Pico CAD, an 8-bit 3D modeling tool.
Book of the Week: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis and Design
This week’s selection is “Introduction to Finite Element Analysis and Design” by Nam H. Kim, Bhavani V. Sankar, and Ashok V. Kumar.
Meet Addmio: Accessible 3D Printing Training
A new online professional 3D printing course has appeared.
Question of the Week: How To Learn About 3D Printing
This week’s question is about how to learn 3D printing from the beginning.
Book of the Week: The Pushing Points Topology Workbook
This week’s selection is “The Pushing Points Topology Workbook” by William C. Vaughan.
3D Print Experts Volunteer Assistance To Educators
A noted 3D print expert is volunteering his time to provide online educational experiences.
Book of the Week: Project Management Absolute Beginner’s Guide
This week’s selection is “Project Management Absolute Beginner’s Guide” by Greg Horine.
Question of the Week: Matching Materials To 3D Printer
A reader asks about the type of resins required for a specific 3D printer, and we uncovered a solution.
Book of the Week: 3D Printing Projects
This week’s selection is “3D Printing Projects” by Dorling Kindersley, a.k.a. “DK”.
Book of the Week: Introduction to Manufacturing Processes
This week’s selection is “Introduction to Manufacturing Processes” by Mikell Groover.
A 3D Modeling Newbie Tries SelfCAD
Could a complete 3D newbie master the easy-to-use SelfCAD? We put it to the test.
Book of the Week: The Ethical Engineer
This week’s selection is “The Ethical Engineer” by Robert McGinn.
Additive World, The 2020 Edition
Every year Additive Industries sponsors an industrial 3D printing event, Additive World.
Seven Ways A Business Could Begin 3D Printing
Many small businesses don’t yet use 3D printing, but probably could benefit from the technology. We list seven ways to help get that process started.
MakerBot Announces Classroom Product, Including New SKETCH 3D Printer
MakerBot announced a surprise new product for the education segment: MakerBot Classroom, which includes the new SKETCH desktop 3D printer.
Book of the Week: 66 DIY-Projects
This week’s selection is “66 DIY-Projects: 66 awesome projects to realize with a 3D printer For Beginners & Advanced!” by Johannes Wild.
Book of the Week: 3D Printing Projects
This week’s selection is “3D Printing Projects” by Sachidanand Jha. It is a book that will definitely increase your 3D CAD design efficiency.
Book of the Week: 3D Printing Failures: 2020 Edition
This week’s selection is “3D Printing Failures: 2020 Edition: How to Diagnose and Repair ALL Desktop 3D Printing Issues” by Sean Aranda and David Feeney.
Book of the Week: Fusion 360 For Makers
This week’s selection is “Fusion 360 For Makers” by Lydia Sloane Cline.
Attend A Virtual 3D Printing Event – For Free!
There’s a virtual conference on advanced 3D printing techniques coming up this week, and there’s no charge to attend. Details in this story.
Question of the Week: Resin 3D Printing Safety
Exactly how dangerous is 3D printer resin, and what do you do about it. We list some thoughts and actions you can take to ensure additional safety.
Question of the Week: PLA Storage in Winter
This week’s question asks how to best store and transport PLA 3D printer material in cold winter conditions.
Book of the Week: DIY Drones for the Evil Genius
This week’s selection is “DIY Drones for the Evil Genius” by Ian Cinnamon, Romi S. Kadri, and Fitz Tepper.
Question of the Week: Getting Involved in 3D Printing
How can one get involved in 3D printing? There are many ways to learn, use and exploit 3D printing, and we list many ways to do so.
Hello Class, Today We’re Making a Jumbo 747
Learning CAD? How about starting with modeling an entire Boeing 747? Yes, that actually happened.
3D Print Community: The 3D-HELP Project
This month’s community support selection is the 3D-HELP Project.
Book of the Week: The Crafty Kid’s Guide to DIY Electronics
This week’s selection is “The Crafty Kid’s Guide to DIY Electronics” by Helen Leigh.
How 3D Printing Can Really Bring Back Jobs
Could 3D printing bring back jobs? We think it can, but not necessarily in the way you might think.
3D Printing: A Step For STEM In Girls’ Education
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and STEAM (adding in the Arts) education is more important than ever for the next generation — but it isn’t always accessible, or equitable.
RAMP MD: Helping A Region Go Additive
How can you learn additive manufacturing? Where can you get experience at a low cost? One state seems to have figured out a way to do so.
Industrial Designer Turned Concept Artist Shows His Process Using Autodesk Sketchbook
After 10 years of designing sports products, industrial designer Eelco Siebring has opted for quite the career change.
An Opportunity To Learn New 3D Printing Standards
ASTM International has been building new standards for additive manufacturing / 3D printing. Do you know what they are? Find out at this important industry conference.
Book of the Week: Mastering 3D Printing in the Classroom, Library, and Lab
Do you have 3D printers in your school? There are best practices for doing so, and this book explains how to use 3D printing in a classroom effectively.
Design of the Week: 3D Printed Particle Accelerator
Is it possible to have a particle accelerator on your desk? Yes, it is possible, thanks to the design of a 3D printed particle accelerator by a 17-year-old student.
How Universities Can Accelerate Our Next Generation of Innovators
As with other leaps forward in science, technology, industry and culture, universities will play a central role in driving the Industry 4.0 disruption by transforming the entire culture of design and creating a new breed of 3D innovators.
6 Tips for Selecting A 3D Printer For Your Projects
Here are six essential factors that you should consider when selecting a 3D printer.
What Makes A 3D Printer Successful?
There are several factors that determine whether a 3D printer is successful.
Book of the Week: The Way Things Work Now
This week’s selection is “The Way Things Work Now” by David MacAulay.
Book of the Week: Every Tool’s a Hammer
This week’s selection is “Every Tool’s a Hammer:” by Adam Savage.
Focusing 3D Printing On Students, Not Educators
MakerBot is taking a slightly different approach to introducing 3D printing to students, and I think it’s the right way.
XYZprinting STEAM 3D Education Program Open for Applications
XYZprinting is now accepting applications for its education program. Launches 3D Printing Educational Program has launched “The Institute of 3D Printing” to help those new to 3D printing become more successful.
Learn How to 3D Scan with Industrial Designer Eric Strebel
For some designers and engineers, 3D scanning physical objects to use as reference models can be the ultimate time-saver.
Girls 3D Print Club Encourages Hands-On 3D Printing
A Girls 3D Print Club in Cincinnati, Ohio helps highlight STEM opportunities for students.
Book of the Week: 3D Printing
This week’s selection is “3D Printing” by John Jordan.
Book of the Week: Introduction to Flight
This week’s selection is “Introduction to Flight” by John D. Anderson Jr.
How Do You Learn Filament Extrusion?
So you’ve decided to make your own 3D printing filament. Great. …How?
A Giant, Festive 3D Printed LEGO Tractor
LEGOs have inspired generations of makers, and that hasn’t changed with exposure to 3D printers.
Book of the Week: 3D Printing Failures 2019 Edition
This week’s selection is “3D Printing Failures: 2019 Edition: How to Diagnose and Repair ALL Desktop 3D Printing” by Sean Aranda and David Feeney.
Book of the Week: Mastering 3D Printing in the Classroom, Library, and Lab
This week’s selection is “Mastering 3D Printing in the Classroom, Library, and Lab” by Joan Horvath and Rich Cameron.
Book of the Week: Fusion 360 for Makers
This week’s selection is “Fusion 360 for Makers: Design Your Own Digital Models for 3D Printing and CNC Fabrication” by Lydia Sloan Cline.
Fusion 360 Isn’t Just a CAD Tool, It’s Also an Education Platform
Fusion 360 has been garnering a lot of buzz recently for its ability to combine a number of design tools into one holistic platform.
Book of the Week: Additive Manufacturing of Metals
This week’s selection is “Additive Manufacturing of Metals: The Technology, Materials, Design and Production”.
Book of the Week: Getting Started With 3D Printing
This week’s selection is “Getting Started With 3D Printing” by MAKE.
Book of the Week: CAD Engineering Essentials
This week’s selection is “CAD Engineering Essentials: Hands-on Help for Small Manufacturers and Smart Technical People (No Nonsense Manual Book 3)” by Mark Lynch.
Book of the Week: Machinery’s Handbook, Toolbox Edition
This week’s selection is the comprehensive “Machinery’s Handbook” originally by Erik Oberg.
Book of the Week: 3D Printing in Medicine
This week’s selection is the detailed “3D Printing In Medicine” by author Deepak M Kalaskar.
How Do You Enter 3D Printing WIthout Bias?
There are an enormous number of options for 3D printing these days.
Book of the Week: 3D Printer Projects for Makerspaces
This week’s selection is the useful 3D Printer Projects for Makerspaces by Lydia Sloan Cline.
3D Print Community: 3DP Learning Management System
This month’s community support selection is the 3DP Learning Management System, a publicly available set of training courses for 3D printing.
Learning to Apply a New 3D Printing Technology
I’m always fascinated with unusual 3D printing processes, and Fabrisonic certainly qualifies.
Book of the Week: 507 Mechanical Movements
This week’s selection is the classic 507 Mechanical Movements book by Henry T. Brown.
Ultimaker Scores Massive Loan Agreement
The European Investment Bank announced a huge €15M (USD$17M) loan to Ultimaker; this should enable many things to happen.
And After You Learn 3D CAD…
I’m reading an interesting post on GrabCAD by Khadija Ouajjani that discusses the testing of a 3D design.
Proven: 3D Printing is Easy, if You Let Kids Try
For many adults, 3D printing is a challenging process to attempt, but this isn’t so if you introduce the technology at an early age.
Let’s Add More To ZMorph’s List of 3D Printing Misconceptions
ZMorph listed three common misconceptions about 3D printing. I’m adding three more to their list.
3D Printing Dinners
No, no, no! We are not talking about 3D printed food! We are talking about 3D printing dinners, though.
The Revolution Will Be 3D Printed
Interested in learning the basics of what’s happening in the 3D printing world today? You could read our blog, but if you have only 54 minutes, we found a podcast that tells the story.
The Public Emotions of 3D Printing
We’ve been covering 3D printing for quite some time now, perhaps six years, and in that time we’ve seen many promising developments and a gradual progression towards a mythical, ultimate personal 3D printer. We’re not close to such a Star Trek-like device by any measure, but progress continues. The public, on the other hand,… Continue reading The Public Emotions of 3D Printing
Answer Those 3D Printing Questions!
If you’re like us, you’ve often fielded many questions about 3D printing technology. And they’re the same questions almost every time. It would certainly be nice to simplify the questioning – and that’s exactly what Thingiverse user Shawn Grover of Calgary, Canada did. He produced a pre-made “brochure” that answers the most commonly observed 3D… Continue reading Answer Those 3D Printing Questions!
3D Printers: How to Unlock Their Potential
With the explosive growth in affordable, office-oriented 3D printers, there is a flood of new users and a huge pool of prospective users. Being new to the technology, or perhaps distanced from it through service bureaus or centralized machines, the freshman class may not be tuned into all that 3D printers can do for them.… Continue reading 3D Printers: How to Unlock Their Potential
An Interview With The DreamVendor
Actually we’re not interviewing the DreamVendor itself; instead we’re interviewing Dr. Chris Williams, the Director of the DREAMS Lab at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, the organization that produced the DreamVendor. (Wait, what’s a “DreamVendor”??? Read on and you’ll find out.) Fabbaloo: We’re wondering what the DREAMS lab is all about? Can… Continue reading An Interview With The DreamVendor
Words For The Media Design School
With the recent surge of popularity of 3D printing, there has come a deep need for information. Many require an introduction to the technology, while others wonder where it’s all headed. When we were requested by Auckland, New Zealand’s Media Design School to put together some thoughts on the future of 3D printing, we… Continue reading Words For The Media Design School
Heated Chamber For Personal 3D Printers
This idea is hot – literally. Instructables member UglyBuddha created and posted a design for a Heated Build Chamber for his RapMan personal 3D printer. No, he doesn’t install a heated chamber into his RapMan. Instead he builds a heated chamber around the 3D printer! Wait a moment. Why would one require a heated… Continue reading Heated Chamber For Personal 3D Printers
3D printing Down Under
Would you happen to be in the beautiful city of Adelaide, Australia on February 20th? You may be able to attend the “3D Printing Forum: The Next Industrial Revolution?”, which promises to be an interesting introduction to various 3D printing topics. According to the Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT), the event includes: … Continue reading 3D printing Down Under